ULA prefix lifetime

Götz Görisch ggoerisch at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 22:54:15 PST 2024


> :-(
> {Your ISP should avoid that kind of thing; IPv6 being plentiful there is no
> reason not to just statically allocate them all into the (radius) database,
> and just renumber people when there are major re-balancing.}

I agree with you, but due to old habits, no regulation and an old
recommendation from Germany Privacy authorities, the ISP does that.
Some are also marketing this as a feature.
We still have ISPs which disconnect PPPoE sessions after 24h, with a
new set of addresses, prefixes after the reconnect.

There is now RFC 9096 which gives recommendations on how to handle
such situations.

Haven't compared the patch with this RFC though myself, due to time constraints.

- Goetz

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