[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] NEW FEATURE IP Virtual Server Load Balancer

Mauro Mozzarelli mauro at ezplanet.net
Mon Feb 22 14:52:11 EST 2016

I am not having success with git, so I will submit this new feature as patch. I hope this is acceptable to all.

commit c7d7abd075117739e6a784df5477a3e66a0533bd
Author: Mauro Mozzarelli <mauro at ezplanet.net>
Date:   Mon Feb 22 18:49:28 2016 +0000

    This ipvs package adds Linux IP Virtual Server capability to OpenWRT
    IPVS (IP Virtual Server) implements transport-layer load balancing inside the Linux kernel, so called Layer-4 switching.
IPVS running on a host acts as a load balancer at the front of a cluster of real servers, it can direct requests for
TCP/UDP based services to the real servers, and makes services of the real servers to appear as a virtual service on a
single IP address.
    This ipvs package contains:
    - configuration to add Linux IP Virtual Server kernel modules
    - ipvsadm utility to configure IP VS tables, virtual and real servers
    - uci ipvs sample configuration file
    - ipvsadm service startup/shutdown script
    - scheduler checking real servers' availability and re-configuring ipvs tables accordingly

    Signed-off-by: Mauro Mozzarelli <mauro at ezplanet.net>

diff --git a/package/kernel/linux/modules/netfilter.mk b/package/kernel/linux/modules/netfilter.mk
index a0a19b2..71bed3d 100644
--- a/package/kernel/linux/modules/netfilter.mk
+++ b/package/kernel/linux/modules/netfilter.mk
@@ -270,6 +270,56 @@ define KernelPackage/ipt-ipset
 $(eval $(call KernelPackage,ipt-ipset))

+	ipvs/ip_vs \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_lc \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_wlc \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_rr \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_wrr \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_lblc \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_lblcr \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_dh \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_sh \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_fo \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_nq \
+	ipvs/ip_vs_sed
+define KernelPackage/ipvs
+  SUBMENU:=Netfilter Extensions
+  TITLE:=IP Virtual Server modules
+  DEPENDS:=+kmod-lib-crc32c
+  KCONFIG:= \
+  FILES:=$(foreach mod,$(IPVS_MODULES),$(LINUX_DIR)/net/netfilter/$(mod).ko)
+  #AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,70,$(notdir $(IPVS_MODULES_LOAD)))
+  $(call AddDepends/ipt,+kmod-ipt-conntrack)
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,ipvs))

 define KernelPackage/ipt-nat
   TITLE:=Basic NAT targets
diff --git a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/Makefile b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce06a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 OpenWRT, Mauro Mozzarelli
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+# AUTHOR: Mauro Mozzarelli
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+PKG_MAINTAINER:=Mauro Mozzarelli <mauro at ezplanet.net>
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_DEVEL),y)
+	export QUILT=1
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/$(PKG_NAME)
+  SECTION:=net
+  CATEGORY:=Network
+  TITLE:=IP Virtual Server Configuration Manager
+  URL:=http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org
+  DEPENDS:= +kmod-ipvs +libnl-tiny +libpopt
+#	-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/libnl/linux -fPIC -DLIBIPVS_USE_NL
+	-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/libnl-tiny -fPIC -DLIBIPVS_USE_NL -D_GNU_SOURCE
+	LIBS="-lnl-tiny -lpopt"
+define Build/Compile
+	$(call Build/Compile/Default)
+define Package/ipvsadm/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipvsadm $(1)/usr/sbin/
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipvsadm-save $(1)/usr/sbin/
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipvsadm-restore $(1)/usr/sbin/
+	$(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(PKG_NAME)))
diff --git a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/config/ipvs b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/config/ipvs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d6be66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/config/ipvs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Sample Configuration
+# please see the documentation at www.linuxvirtualserver.org to learn how to
+# configure real servers.
+# This configuration is used by /etc/init.d/ipvsadm to setup and load balance
+# virtual servers to available real servers.
+# A cron job is used to activate/deactivate real servers based on their availability (ping)
+# Currently this configuration defaults to persistent gateway mode
+# Currently NAT masquerading and other options provided by ipvsadm are not implemented by this configuration
+# If virtual and real servers have internet static IPs, the wan interface must be part of a static IP Subnet
+# ipvsadm is fully functional for manual configuration
+config vipvs globals
+	option enabled 0
+# role master|slave
+	option role 'master'
+	option interface 'lan'
+# valid schedulers are included in the kernel schedulers list
+	list scheduler wlc
+# for each vip an alias ip is initialized on the wan/lan router interface
+# the vip must not be the same as the router's ip
+config virtual
+	option enabled 0
+	option name admin
+	option vip ''
+	option interface lan
+	option alias 10
+	option scheduler 'wlc'
+	list real ''
+	list real ''
+# lists protocols/ports
+config admin
+	option protocol tcp
+	option src_port 80
+	option dest_port 80
+config admin
+	option protocol udp
+# if only 'port' is specified then source and destination ports are the same
+# port 0 means all ports are forwarded to the real servers
+	option port 0
diff --git a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/init.d/ipvsadm b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/init.d/ipvsadm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c8c378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/etc/init.d/ipvsadm
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Author: Mauro Mozzarelli
+# Description: builds ipvs configuration from uci openwrt parameters
+#              load/unload ip_vs kernel modules
+#              start/stop ipvs scheduler
+#              start/stop cron job scheduler
+# Dependencies: /etc/config/ipvs; ipvsadm; ip_vs Kernel modules; cron
+# Notes: Firewall must be configured separately
+#	Configuration files in /tmp/ipvsadm.d:
+#	virt.*  = virtual servers
+#   *.stop  = real server in down state ipvs table
+#   *.start = real server in up state ipvs table
+#   vserv.* = virtual servers ipvs table
+KERNEL_RELEASE=`uname -r`
+# Cron job used to check if real servers are available and update ipvs
+# scheduler accordingly
+CRON_SCHEDULER='*		*	*	*	*	/usr/sbin/checkRealServers		# IPVS_SCHEDULER'
+# Check if real server is in the list and add if not present
+update_real_server () {
+	realServer=$1
+	gotit=0
+	for s in `cat $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS`; do
+		if [ $r == $s ]; then
+			gotit=1
+			break
+		fi
+	done
+	if [ $gotit -eq 0 ]; then
+		echo $r >> $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS
+	fi
+start_service () {
+	enabled=`uci -q get ipvs.globals.enabled`
+	case $enabled in
+		0)
+			exit
+			;;
+		1)
+			;;
+		*)
+			echo Invalid initialization parameter: enabled=$enabled
+			exit
+			;;
+	esac
+	if [ -d $BASE_DIR ]; then
+		cd $BASE_DIR
+	else
+		mkdir -p $BASE_DIR
+		cd $BASE_DIR
+	fi
+	rm -f $BASE_DIR/*
+	rm -f $TMP_DIR/*.down
+	modprobe $IPVSMOD
+	cm=0
+	for m in `uci -q get ipvs.globals.scheduler`; do
+			cm=$((cm+1))
+			modprobe ${IPVSMOD}_$m
+	done
+	# Default to wlc if no schedulers
+	if [ $cm -eq 0 ]; then
+		modprobe ${IPVSMOD}_wlc
+	fi
+	cv=0
+	while [ x`uci -q get ipvs. at virtual[$cv]` == x'virtual' ]; do
+		enabled=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].enabled`
+		if [ $enabled -eq 0 ]; then
+			cv=$((cv+1))
+			continue
+		fi
+		name=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].name`
+		vip=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].vip`
+		interface=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].interface`
+		device=`uci -P /var/state get network.${interface}.ifname`
+		alias=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].alias`
+		scheduler=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].scheduler`
+		# ifconfig
+		ifconfig $device:$alias $vip netmask up
+		#
+		real=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$cv].real`
+		if [ ! -z "$real" -a "$real" != " " ]; then
+			vip_done=no
+			for r in $real; do
+				update_real_server $r
+				cd=0
+				while [ x`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd]` == x$name ]; do
+					protocol=`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd].protocol`
+					src_port=`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd].src_port`
+					dest_port=`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd].dest_port`
+					case $protocol in
+						tcp)
+							protocol="-t"
+							;;
+						udp)
+							protocol="-u"
+							;;
+						*)
+							# Default to tcp protocol
+							protocol="-t"
+							;;
+					esac
+					if [ -z $src_port ]; then
+						port=`uci -q get ipvs.@$name[$cd].port`
+						if [ -z $port ]; then
+							port=0
+						fi
+						src_port=$port
+					fi
+					if [ -z $dest_port ]; then
+						dest_port=$src_port
+					fi
+					if [ x$vip_done == x'no' ];then
+						echo "-A $protocol $vip:$src_port -s $scheduler -p" >> $BASE_DIR/vserv.start.$interface
+						echo "-D $protocol $vip:$src_port" >> $BASE_DIR/vserv.stop.$interface
+					fi
+					echo "-a $protocol $vip:$src_port -r $r:$dest_port -g -w 1" >> $BASE_DIR/$r.start
+					echo "-d $protocol $vip:$src_port -r $r" >> $BASE_DIR/$r.stop
+					cd=$((cd+1))
+				done
+				vip_done=yes
+			done
+		fi
+		cv=$((cv+1))
+	done
+	for i in `cat $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS`; do
+		date > $TMP_DIR/$i.down
+	done
+	for i in ${BASE_DIR}/vserv.start.* ; do
+		ipvsadm -R < $i
+	done
+	grole=`uci get ipvs.globals.role`
+	gintf=`uci get ipvs.globals.interface`
+	ipvsadm --start-daemon $grole --mcast-interface `uci -P /var/state get network.$gintf.ifname`
+	if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+		logger -p info "ERROR: IPVSADM daemon failed to start"
+		exit
+	fi
+	(crontab -l ; echo "$CRON_SCHEDULER")|crontab -
+	logger -p info "IPVSADM daemon started"
+stop_service () {
+	for i in ${BASE_DIR}/*.stop ; do
+		ipvsadm -R < $i
+	done
+	for i in ${BASE_DIR}/vserv.stop.* ; do
+		ipvsadm -R < $i
+	done
+	n=0
+	while [ x`uci -q get ipvs. at virtual[$n]` == x'virtual' ]; do
+		interface=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$n].interface`
+		device=`uci -P /var/state get network.${interface}.ifname`
+		alias=`uci get ipvs. at virtual[$n].alias`
+		ifconfig $device:$alias down
+		n=$((n+1))
+	done
+	ipvsadm --stop-daemon `uci get ipvs.globals.role`
+	rm -f $TMP_DIR/*.down
+	rm -rf $BASE_DIR
+	for m in `uci -q get ipvs.globals.scheduler`; do
+			cm=$((cm+1))
+			rmmod ${IPVSMOD}_$m
+	done
+	# Default to wlc if no schedulers
+	if [ $m -eq 0 ]; then
+		rmmod ${IPVSMOD}_wlc
+	fi
+	rmmod $IPVSMOD
+	crontab -l |grep -v IPVS_SCHEDULER|crontab -
diff --git a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/usr/sbin/checkRealServers
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f801c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/files/usr/sbin/checkRealServers
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Author: Mauro Mozzarelli
+# Description: checks whether a real server is up and running and if it is
+#              then it starts the services
+# Dependencies: /tmp/ipvsadm.d
+#				configuration files created by /etc/init.d/ipvsadm
+#	virt.*  = virtual servers
+#   *.stop  = real server in down state ipvs table
+#   *.start = real server in up state ipvs table
+#   *.down  = real server down status
+if [ -f $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS ]; then
+	for i in `cat $BASE_DIR/$REAL_SERVERS`; do
+		ping -qc 3 $i > /dev/null
+		RESULT=$?
+		if [ $RESULT -gt 0 ]; then
+			if [ ! -f $TMP_DIR/$i.down ]; then
+				ipvsadm -R < $BASE_DIR/$i.stop
+				date > $TMP_DIR/$i.down
+				logger -p info "IPVS Server $i is down"
+			fi
+		else
+			if [ -f $TMP_DIR/$i.down ]; then
+				ipvsadm -R < $BASE_DIR/$i.start
+				rm $TMP_DIR/$i.down
+				logger -p info "IPVS Server $i is on-line"
+			fi
+		fi
+	done
diff --git a/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/patches/001-ipvsadm.patch b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/patches/001-ipvsadm.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..643d5ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/utils/ipvsadm/patches/001-ipvsadm.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+diff -Naur ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.spec ipvsadm-1.26.owrt/ipvsadm.spec
+--- ipvsadm-1.26/ipvsadm.spec	2011-02-08 00:25:36.000000000 +0000
++++ ipvsadm-1.26.owrt/ipvsadm.spec	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
+-%define prefix   /usr
+-Summary: Utility to administer the Linux Virtual Server
+-Name: ipvsadm
+-Version: 1.26
+-Release: 1
+-License: GPL
+-URL: http://www.LinuxVirtualServer.org/
+-Group: Applications/System
+-Source0: http://www.LinuxVirtualServer.org/software/ipvsadm-%{version}.tar.gz
+-BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%name-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root
+-Provides: %{name}-%{version}
+-Conflicts: piranha <= 0.4.14
+-ipvsadm is a utility to administer the IP Virtual Server services
+-offered by the latest Linux kernel 2.6.x.
+-%setup -n %{name}-%{version}
+-rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+-mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/{sbin,%{_mandir}/man8,etc/rc.d/init.d}
+-make install BUILD_ROOT=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} MANDIR=%{_mandir}
+-%doc README
+-%config /etc/rc.d/init.d/ipvsadm
+-/sbin/chkconfig --add ipvsadm
+-/sbin/chkconfig --del ipvsadm
+-rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}
+-rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+-* Thu Jun 23 2005 Steve Nielsen <snielsen at comscore.com>
+-- Respect rpmmacros that might be set (by using rpm --eval)
+-* Sat Dec 20 2003 Wensong Zhang <wensong at linux-vs.org>
+-- tidy up the description
+-* Sat Apr  5 2003 Wensong Zhang <wensong at linux-vs.org>
+-- Removed the unnecessary Docdir setting.
+-* Thu Dec 16 2001 Wensong Zhang <wensong at linuxvirtualserver.org>
+-- Changed to install ipvsadm man pages according to the %{_mandir}
+-* Thu Dec 30 2000 Wensong Zhang <wensong at linuxvirtualserver.org>
+-- update the %file section
+-* Thu Dec 17 2000 Wensong Zhang <wensong at linuxvirtualserver.org>
+-- Added a if-condition to keep both new or old rpm utility building
+-  the package happily.
+-* Tue Dec 12 2000 P.Copeland <bryce at redhat.com>
+-- Small modifications to make the compiler happy in RH7 and the Alpha
+-- Fixed the documentation file that got missed off in building
+-  the rpm
+-- Made a number of -pedantic mods though popt will not compile with
+-  -pedantic
+-* Wed Aug 9 2000 Horms <horms at vergenet.net>
+-- Removed Obseletes tag as ipvsadm is back in /sbin where it belongs
+-  as it is more or less analogous to both route and ipchains both of
+-  which reside in /sbin.
+-- Create directory to install init script into. Init scripts won't install
+-  into build directory unless this is done
+-* Thu Jul  6 2000 Wensong Zhang <wensong at linuxvirtualserver.org>
+-- Changed to build rpms on the ipvsadm tar ball directly
+-* Wed Jun 21 2000 P.Copeland <copeland at redhat.com>
+-- fixed silly install permission settings
+-* Mon Jun 19 2000 P.Copeland <copeland at redhat.com>
+-- Added 'dist' and 'rpms' to the Makefile
+-- Added Obsoletes tag since there were early versions
+-  of ipvsadm-*.rpm that installed in /sbin
+-- Obsolete tag was a bit vicious re: piranha
+-* Mon Apr 10 2000 Horms <horms at vergenet.net>
+-- created for version 1.9
+diff -Naur ipvsadm-1.26/libipvs/ip_vs.h ipvsadm-1.26.owrt/libipvs/ip_vs.h
+--- ipvsadm-1.26/libipvs/ip_vs.h	2011-02-07 02:38:57.000000000 +0000
++++ ipvsadm-1.26.owrt/libipvs/ip_vs.h	2016-01-24 19:59:27.304631247 +0000
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
+ #include <arpa/inet.h>
+ #include <linux/types.h>	/* For __beXX types in userland */
++#include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <netlink/netlink.h>
+diff -Naur ipvsadm-1.26/libipvs/libipvs.c ipvsadm-1.26.owrt/libipvs/libipvs.c
+--- ipvsadm-1.26/libipvs/libipvs.c	2011-02-07 02:38:57.000000000 +0000
++++ ipvsadm-1.26.owrt/libipvs/libipvs.c	2016-01-24 20:02:49.840430677 +0000
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+ struct ip_vs_getinfo ipvs_info;
+-static struct nl_handle *sock = NULL;
++static struct nl_sock *sock = NULL;
+ static int family, try_nl = 1;
+ #endif
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
+ {
+ 	int err = EINVAL;
+-	sock = nl_handle_alloc();
++	sock = nl_socket_alloc();
+ 	if (!sock) {
+ 		nlmsg_free(msg);
+ 		return -1;
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
+ 	/* To test connections and set the family */
+ 	if (msg == NULL) {
+-		nl_handle_destroy(sock);
++		nl_socket_free(sock);
+ 		sock = NULL;
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -104,12 +104,12 @@
+ 	nlmsg_free(msg);
+-	nl_handle_destroy(sock);
++	nl_socket_free(sock);
+ 	return 0;
+ fail_genl:
+-	nl_handle_destroy(sock);
++	nl_socket_free(sock);
+ 	sock = NULL;
+ 	nlmsg_free(msg);
+ 	errno = err;
+diff -Naur ipvsadm-1.26/Makefile ipvsadm-1.26.owrt/Makefile
+--- ipvsadm-1.26/Makefile	2011-02-08 00:24:23.000000000 +0000
++++ ipvsadm-1.26.owrt/Makefile	2016-01-24 12:40:39.427307725 +0000
+@@ -37,18 +37,17 @@
+ CC		= gcc
+-SBIN		= $(BUILD_ROOT)/sbin
++SBIN		= $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin
+ MANDIR		= usr/man
+-MAN		= $(BUILD_ROOT)/$(MANDIR)/man8
+-INIT		= $(BUILD_ROOT)/etc/rc.d/init.d
++INIT		= $(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d
+ MKDIR		= mkdir
+ INSTALL		= install
+ STATIC_LIBS	= libipvs/libipvs.a
+ ifeq "${ARCH}" "sparc64"
+-    CFLAGS = -Wall -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -g -m64 -pipe -mcpu=ultrasparc -mcmodel=medlow
++    CFLAGS += -Wall -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -g -m64 -pipe -mcpu=ultrasparc -mcmodel=medlow
+ else
+-    CFLAGS = -Wall -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -g
++    CFLAGS += -Wall -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -g
+ endif
+@@ -104,12 +103,6 @@
+ 		$(INSTALL) -m 0755 ipvsadm $(SBIN)
+ 		$(INSTALL) -m 0755 ipvsadm-save $(SBIN)
+ 		$(INSTALL) -m 0755 ipvsadm-restore $(SBIN)
+-		[ -d $(MAN) ] || $(MKDIR) -p $(MAN)
+-		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 ipvsadm.8 $(MAN)
+-		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 ipvsadm-save.8 $(MAN)
+-		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 ipvsadm-restore.8 $(MAN)
+-		[ -d $(INIT) ] || $(MKDIR) -p $(INIT)
+-		$(INSTALL) -m 0755 ipvsadm.sh $(INIT)/ipvsadm
+ clean:
+ 		rm -f ipvsadm $(NAME).spec $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
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