lua 5.1.5 CVEs / lua 5.3 with luci

Peter Naulls peter at
Wed Oct 26 06:39:50 PDT 2022

On 10/25/22 20:45, Reuben Dowle wrote:

> My opinion is that openwrt should try and move to a newer version of lua. This 
> old 5.1.5 version appears to be unmaintained, and there does not seem to be the 
> resources within the openwrt community to change that.

So I naively adjusted the lua5.3 package to add PROVIDES for lua and liblua
and symlinked the /usr/bin/lua5.3 binary to /usr/bin/lua.

In some very superficial testing, skimming through pages, luci
almost works correctly. What I do see on all pages, is this:

RPCError: RPC call to luci/getFeatures failed with error -32000: Object not found
   at handleCallReply 
   at promise callback*parseCallReply 
   at promise callback*call 
   at declare/</< 
   at declare/< (
   at probeSystemFeatures 
   at setupDOM 
   at promise callback*__init__ 
   at ClassConstructor 

Just bear in mind that although this is 22.03, I have some heavyish changes to 
customize luci too. I don't know this particular code, but I can't imagine it 
being hard to fix.

There's some additional similar errors on other pages.

Switch config:

RPCError: RPC call to luci/getSwconfigFeatures failed with error -32000: Object 
not found


RPCError: RPC call to luci/getConntrackHelpers failed with error -32000: Object 
not found

The system log tabs also report: "Unable to load log data: Not Found".

Wireguard: RPC call to luci.wireguard/getWgInstances failed with error -32000: 
Object not found

Suggested fixes?

In any case, this seems like it would be a major internal change in OpenWrt.

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