Standard meta JSON files available at [Was: Re: Firmware Selector Setup]

Moritz Warning moritzwarning at
Thu Aug 20 05:18:49 EDT 2020

On 8/20/20 10:15 AM, Petr Štetiar wrote:
> Moritz Warning <moritzwarning at> [2020-08-19 17:17:05]:
>>>    * are we going to generate separate JSON for every application out there?
>>>      - I mean, wouldn't it make sense to generate something generic, something like:
>>>        meta/json/targets-full-v1.json (complete amalgamation of profiles.json)
>>>        meta/json/targets-minimal-v1.json (just the bare minimum)
>>>        meta/json/targets-images-v1.json (just the images)
>> Do you argue that OpenWrt should generate these files?
> Yes, instead of having to generate and maintain several different JSON formats
> for different applications, lets think about it and try to provide some subset
> which might cover most of the possible usecases.
I am more cautious here.

>>  I argue that OpenWrt should generate the raw data (albeit machine readable)
>>  as json files.
> It does, but as you can see, it's barely usable as people still need to scrape
> all targets directories in snapshot/releases for `profile.json` instead of
> getting complete `targets-full-v1.json` directly in one HTTP call.
A combined profiles.json would make that certainly easier.

But even then, at least for a firmware selector, a list of available releases need to be scraped (well, or written by hand).
Then the single combined profiles.json would need to be downloaded for each such release.

> -- ynezz

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