openwrt ONE: not getting enough PoE power

Denver Gingerich denver at
Sat Mar 15 16:51:16 PDT 2025

On Sun, Mar 16, 2025 at 06:41:15AM +0700, Michael Richardson wrote:
> Michael Richardson <mcr at> wrote:
>     > With the cable in the PoE port, the device was in a reboot cycle.
> It turns out that the switch in question is a process by which it turns
> itself off momentarily to change to the correct vlan.  This is a local, IETF
> hackthon setting.  This cuts the PoE power, and so a cycle ensues when
> depending upon PoE only.
> There is still a bug though, because the loss of PoE power seems to reset the
> One even though there is USB power present.

To be clear, would you want it to always use whichever power source was plugged in first?  Or are you hoping for some kind of UPS-style automatic switch-over when both are connected and one power source disappears?

I'm not sure how complicated the latter would be, but it's helpful to know the expected use case so we can investigate the hardware options accordingly (for the One, Two, or otherwise).

Denver Gingerich
Director of Compliance
Software Freedom Conservancy

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