Enabling CONFIG_UIMAGE_FIT_BLK for MT7621. Is it possible?

Mauri Sandberg maukka at ext.kapsi.fi
Fri Mar 7 04:55:45 PST 2025

Hello all,

I am entertaining myself with an attempt to replace a vendor U-boot with 
a fresh vanilla one on a device based on MT7621 SoC. I can make it work 
just fine by just creating a FIT image that includes a kernel and a 
device tree blob and by leaving squashfs rootfs in its own UBI volume.

However, if I wanted to package also the rootfs inside the FIT image and 
offer a patch proposal to OpenWrt I would need to enable 
CONFIG_UIMAGE_FIT_BLK for mt7621 target, too. Before pursuing this 
further I thought I should ask is it within reason. 
CONFIG_MTD_SPLIT_FIT_FW seems to have been enabled already and my take 
is that those two are needed for the functionality.


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