Purpose of openwrt-devel?

Elliott Mitchell ehem+openwrt at m5p.com
Tue Mar 19 17:34:38 PDT 2024

On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 10:53:12AM +0100, Olliver Schinagl wrote:
> I expect this to be done very rarely and by users that know what they 
> are doing, but just "automating" a few logical git commands.
> Performance is not a key-driver here. It's too rarely used.

True, though being faster is nice.

> Leaving the tree in failed state imo is a feature. We switch from the 
> normal branch to a special branch to do all operations. The user can 
> always force ably switch back. Ultimately, this is a choice, can a user 
> fix things and inspect failures, or 'oh it failed, lets reset'. Reset 
> instructions during cleanup is a good idea however.

Therein lines a concern.  Why does yours switch to a special branch?
It is not human, it doesn't need a computer to keep track of commits for
it.  As such it shouldn't need a branch.

This is one of the things I meant by "Your shell script is essentially
replicating the actions a human at a shell might take to perform the
task".  Some things work better for a shell script than the approaches
humans would use.

Since I went to the trouble of examining your script and testing it,
might you reciprocate with similar courtesy?  Even if you cannot fill the
role of reviewer, you can still fill the role of tester.

If you examine the result, you might also discover its approach has some
rather substantial advantages.  At this time I believe with the second
commit it offers a proper superset of your script's functionality.

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