[PATCH 0/13] add ubus support to ltq-[v|a]dsl-app

Andre Heider a.heider at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 07:05:00 EST 2020

This is to significantly speed up the generation of the metrics.

The motivation comes from the fact that ~2.6s is just way too
ineffcient for interval based metric collectors like prometheus or

The luci status page also loads/refreshes alot faster.

$ time /etc/init.d/dsl_control dslstat
real	0m 2.66s
user	0m 0.90s
sys	0m 1.76s

$ time ubus call dsl metrics
real	0m 0.02s
user	0m 0.00s
sys	0m 0.01s

The ltq-vdsl-app changes are only compile time tested.


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