[OpenWrt-Devel] RFC: add metadata to buildroot

Petr Štetiar ynezz at true.cz
Tue May 14 10:49:59 EDT 2019

[adding Thomas and Alberto to the Cc loop]

Paul Spooren <mail at aparcar.org> [2019-05-04 17:48:03]:


> from my point of view the current OpenWrt device documentation lacks
> some unity, meaning the table of hardware is partly incomplete or
> inconsistent. Also documentations are often rewritten with different
> precision and "tongue".
> To unify things I created a *PoC*[0], mostly based on the official
> LineageOS Wiki[1], as they have a similar situation regarding devices.
> The idea is to define templates describing common information and fill
> them with device metadata.
> The *PoC* above is based on the following metadata here[2]. Most parts
> of the metadata are scraped from the current ToH[3], however some small
> pieces are added and later rendered in something useful:
>     tftp_image: ArcherC5v1_tp_recovery.bin
>     tftp_ip:
> Result in a small text to explain how to use the TFTP recovery.
>     switch_ports:
>       0: ETH1
>       1: WAN
>       2: LAN1
>       3: LAN2
>       4: LAN3
>       5: LAN4
>       6: ETH0
> Creates a table with the switch port messing.
> Same could be done with the flash layout, LEDs, etc.
> All these information are (hopefully) available to the developer adding
> a new device, therefore easy to supply such a `yaml` metadata file as
> well. Often these information are (re-formulated) in commit messages
> anyway[4]. Meaning, somewhere in the buildroot could be a store of
> `yaml` files, which could even be reused for building itself.
> A second repository like openwrt-device.git[5] could be added to render
> the wiki pages and organize the templates.
> I'd be happy to hear your opinions.

I really like, it's nice and I applaud your effort. Thanks!

> Best,
> Paul
> PS: I'm afraid I don't know the mail address of tmomas...
> [0]: https://aparcar.github.io/openwrt-devices/devices/tp-link_archer_c5_ac1200_v1/
> [1]: http://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/
> [2]: https://github.com/aparcar/openwrt-devices/blob/master/_data/devices/tp-link_archer_c5_ac1200_v1.yml
> [3]: https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/tp-link/tp-link_archer_c5_ac1200_v1
> [4]: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commit;h=43e8c37cb4da64a12a3cb88a84b19db7f2fc640c
> [5]: https://github.com/aparcar/openwrt-devices

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