[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH v2] scripts/feeds: add src-include method

Bjørn Mork bjorn at mork.no
Wed Jun 5 08:19:11 EDT 2019

The src-include method allows recursive inclusion of feeds.conf snippets.

This can for example be used for adding static local feeds to
feeds.conf.default without ever having to update the local feeds.conf:

 src-include defaults feeds.conf.default
 src-link custom /usr/local/src/lede/custom

Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <bjorn at mork.no>

It would of course be nice of me if I had tested my patches, even
if they are only meant for discussion.

This version actually works.  Changes in v2:
 - use a variable for the file handle so we can open files recursively
 - match on the real 'src-include' keyword


 scripts/feeds | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/feeds b/scripts/feeds
index 304ef6cbafd1..a4dfd9e260a8 100755
--- a/scripts/feeds
+++ b/scripts/feeds
@@ -41,34 +41,49 @@ my $feed_src = {};
 my $feed_target = {};
 my $feed_vpackage = {};
-sub parse_config() {
+sub parse_file($$);
+sub parse_file($$) {
+	my ($fname, $name) = @_;
 	my $line = 0;
-	my %name;
+	my $fh;
-	open FEEDS, "feeds.conf" or
-		open FEEDS, "feeds.conf.default" or
-		die "Unable to open feeds configuration";
-	while (<FEEDS>) {
+	open $fh, $fname or return undef;
+	while (<$fh>) {
+		$line++;
 		next unless /\S/;
 		my @line = split /\s+/, $_, 3;
 		my @src;
-		$line++;
 		my $valid = 1;
 		$line[0] =~ /^src-[\w-]+$/ or $valid = 0;
 		$line[1] =~ /^\w+$/ or $valid = 0;
 		@src = split /\s+/, ($line[2] or '');
 		@src = ('') if @src == 0;
-		$valid or die "Syntax error in feeds.conf, line: $line\n";
+		$valid or die "Syntax error in $fname, line: $line\n";
-		$name{$line[1]} and die "Duplicate feed name '$line[1]', line: $line\n";
-		$name{$line[1]} = 1;
+		$name->{$line[1]} and die "Duplicate feed name '$line[1]' in '$fname' line: $line\n";
+		$name->{$line[1]} = 1;
+		if ($line[0] eq "src-include") {
+			parse_file($line[2], $name) or
+			    die "Unable to open included file '$line[2]'";
+			next;
+		}
 		push @feeds, [$line[0], $line[1], \@src];
-	close FEEDS;
+	close $fh;
+	return 1;
+sub parse_config() {
+	my %name;
+	parse_file("feeds.conf", \%name) or
+	    parse_file("feeds.conf.default", \%name)  or
+	    die "Unable to open feeds configuration";
 sub update_location($$)

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