[OpenWrt-Devel] ubusd: automatically grant access permission to service owner user by default.

Shawn Chain shawn.chain at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 01:46:42 EDT 2018

I'm testing the ubus  with a simple hello process and exposing info() to
the ubus.

By  reading ubusd code, I managed to publish and invoke hello.info()
successfully with non-root user.
Currently, I need to setup both the "publish" and "access" ACLs for the
non-root owner user and modify the access ACL if any new methods would be
introduced later.

So I'm wondering if we could change the ubusd acl logic a little bit to
grant the owner user by default the full access to exposed methods, so that
we can simplify the ACL setup?

-- Shawn
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