[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH 1/2] wwan: Add support for CDC (Huawei 'HiLink') Modems

Jakub Jančo kubco2 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 04:34:30 EST 2016

On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 9:43 AM, John Crispin <blogic at openwrt.org> wrote:
> i have spent ages thinking about this. the main problem is that the unit
> wont go online unless we previously set the apn/pin, ... in the webui.
> although having a unified wwan proto is great and we should have hilink
> support in it, i fear that this will be rather ambiguous to users as
> they set the pin in uci and then it wont get applied. so i have heavy
> heartedly decided to NAK this. i wish i had more time so we could hack
> up a tiny tool to set the webui setting from uci. although that is
> really would be an ugly hack.

By the way - mikrotik devices has PIN and APN settings for hilink too.
Maybe there are some devices which support it - it didnt work for me,
I had to set up things over webif.

I have done hack with wget to set PIN(huawei 3372h), but it is
umaintained for now and I cant test it because we have device on
"production" router.
Problem can be a lot of APIs. And it needs to be able use cookies and
post data.(If I remember I had to download full wget)

If someone want play with it:
In connect.post the PIN code is not variabled.
----------- config.sh

request_token=$(wget -q -t 0 "$token_url" -O - --save-cookies
"$cookie_file" --keep-session-cookies | grep csrf_token | head -n1 |
cut -d'"' -f4)
----------- connect.sh

. config.sh

[ -n "$request_token" ] || {
    echo No request token found
    exit 1

wget -q -t 0 --load-cookies "$cookie_file"
--header="__RequestVerificationToken: $request_token" \
   --post-file="$connect_data" "$connect_url" -O -
----------- unlocksim.sh

. config.sh

[ -n "$request_token" ] || {
    echo No request token found
    exit 1

wget -q -t 0 --load-cookies "$cookie_file"
--header="__RequestVerificationToken: $request_token" \
    --post-file="$unlocksim_data" "$unlocksim_url" -O -
----------- connect.post
<?xml version="1.0"
----------- connect.post

S pozdravom Jakub Janco
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