[OpenWrt-Devel] uhttpd improvement/new feature ?

Sébastien Noel sebastien at twolife.be
Thu Jan 28 06:46:20 EST 2016

Hi everyone,

I'm in need of a feature in uhttpd, and i would like advice from you
guys how to implement this change correctly.
In attachment you will find my current "implementation" (well it's more
like a PoC, i'm not fluent in C, but it worked for the 3 sec i tested

The story behind this change is that i have a letsencrypt (the new free
certificate authority) client in ash+openssl+curl that i would like
to run on openwrt; during the process, the letsencrypt service needs to
check if i'm the real owner of the server/domain and tries to download
a file from http://$server/.well-known/acme-challenge/XXX

So i need to make some sort of exception to the "-q" option in uhttpd
to redirect all HTTP -> HTTPS except for files under
(i just don't want to disable that feature entirely, it's so useful)

are you interested in a feature like that ?
if yes, what would you like me to change to the current patch ?


best regards,
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