[OpenWrt-Devel] Dynamically generate custom files before building?

Sami Olmari sami at olmari.fi
Tue Mar 24 18:10:18 EDT 2015

isn't it quite self-explanatory? with "./scripts/env new <name here>" you
generate new profile, where you can then have own configs and own set of
files/ etc. So... 10 devices, 10 profiles, each having own settings and
files... You get the idea.

 Sami Olmari

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Nguyễn Hồng Quân <ng.hong.quan at gmail.com>

> Hi
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 12:33 AM, Sami Olmari <sami at olmari.fi> wrote:
>> Why not use ./scripts/env with your own batchfile? It has all the things
>> you need for multiple hardware configurations on single buildroot... only
>> thing you need to do is automate it with bash-script etc...
> I tried the script:
> $ ./scripts/env
> Usage: ./scripts/env [options] <command> [arguments]
> Commands:
>     help              This help text
>     list              List environments
>     clear             Delete all environment and revert to flat
> config/files
>     new <name>        Create a new environment
>     switch <name>     Switch to a different environment
>     delete <name>     Delete an environment
>     rename <newname>  Rename the current environment
>     diff              Show differences between current state and
> environment
>     save              Save your changes to the environment
>     revert            Revert your changes since last save
> Options:
> and I don't understand what it can do :-(
> --
> Quân
> ***********************************************
> * Nguyễn Hồng Quân                            *
> * Y!M: ng_hquan_vn                            *
> * Facebook: ng.hong.quan                      *
> * Web: quan.hoabinh.vn                        *
> ***********************************************
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