[OpenWrt-Devel] Multiple OpenWrt devices collectively managed?

Bastian Bittorf bittorf at bluebottle.com
Tue Mar 24 08:09:15 EDT 2015

* Janne Cederberg <janne.cederberg at gmail.com> [24.03.2015 12:56]:
> Oh, sorry Bastian I forgot to comment on your suggestion earlier!
> Question: how does that "constant" restarting affect network QoS/throughput?

the 'wifi up' command is only issued when

the last client leaves.

each 60secs there is a check with
for DEV in $WIFIDEVS; do 
	iw dev $DEV station dump | grep -c ^'Station' >$counter

so we know when there is a change from X to '0' clients -> 'wifi up'

around every 60-90 minutes when there is no client.
this triggers also a new acs_survey/channel-section.

because this is only done without clients, there is no change in network QoS/throughput?

bye, bastian
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