[OpenWrt-Devel] [Issue] busybox: template nc: "NO OPT l!"

Christian Schoenebeck christian.schoenebeck at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 05:13:10 EDT 2014

I compiled busybox 1.22.1 from current trunk with various (custom) settings for netcat template and find out following results:

without any options/extension 		-> works fine
only "server options (-l)"    		-> works fine
only "extensions (-eiw and -f FILE)"	-> works fine
only "1.10 compatibility (+2.5k)" 	-> produce error "NO OPT l!" and nc did not function

if selecting "1.10 compatibility (+2.5k)" AND "server options (-l)" with or without "extensions (-eiw and -f FILE)" works fine.

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