Please sign 21.07 release GPG key with older GPG key

cipher-hearts at cipher-hearts at
Mon Dec 20 05:27:46 PST 2021

Sorry to nag you about it

Below is the full situation, involving the most relevant 3 keys.

Thanks, OpenWRT is the best router project


$ gpg --fingerprint --list-sigs


pub   4096R/8F681580 2021-02-20 [expires: 2023-02-20]
      Key fingerprint = 6672 05E3 79BA F348 863A  5C66 88CA 59E8 8F68 1580
uid                  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for 21.02 release builds) <pgpsign-21.02 at>
sig 3        8F681580 2021-02-20  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for 21.02 release builds) <pgpsign-21.02 at>
sub   4096R/F801C9B3 2021-02-20 [expires: 2023-02-20]
sig          8F681580 2021-02-20  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for 21.02 release builds) <pgpsign-21.02 at>             <--  only self-signed

pub   4096R/2074BE7A 2019-07-14 [expired: 2021-07-13]
      Key fingerprint = D9C6 901F 45C9 B868 5868  7DFF 28A3 9BC3 2074 BE7A
uid                  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for 19.07 release builds) <pgpsign-19.07 at>
sig 3        2074BE7A 2019-07-23  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for 19.07 release builds) <pgpsign-19.07 at>
sig          626471F1 2019-07-23  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for unattended snapshot builds) <pgpsign-snapshots at>   <--  19.07 key was signed with an older key ('Build System' key)
sig          15807931 2019-07-23  [User ID not found]
sig          47D94086 2019-07-24  [User ID not found]

pub   4096R/626471F1 2016-07-26
      Key fingerprint = 54CC 7430 7A2C 6DC9 CE61  8269 CD84 BCED 6264 71F1
uid                  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for unattended snapshot builds) <pgpsign-snapshots at>
sig 3        626471F1 2019-07-23  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for unattended snapshot builds) <pgpsign-snapshots at>
sig          47D94086 2019-07-24  [User ID not found]
uid                  LEDE Build System (LEDE GnuPG key for unattended build jobs) <lede-adm at>
sig 3        626471F1 2016-07-26  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for unattended snapshot builds) <pgpsign-snapshots at>
sig          EC47BFBE 2019-02-10  [User ID not found]
sub   4096R/8B699029 2016-07-26
sig          626471F1 2016-07-26  OpenWrt Build System (PGP key for unattended snapshot builds) <pgpsign-snapshots at>

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