Becoming a mirror (rsync, ftp, http) for the LEDE Project

Jo-Philipp Wich jo at
Fri May 13 10:23:59 EDT 2016

Dear Willem,

thank you for your mirroring offer! Please find my replies inline.

> Hello Jo-Philipp,
> I was around on irc and and asked the operator of lede-adm (blogic) who
> I should ping in regards to providing dl mirrors.
> He gave your name plus e-mail address, hence this e-mail.
> My name is Willem van der Poel, I'm a mirror maintainer for FTPcom, a
> committee of the Student Net Twente, a student association. Association
> Studenten Net Twente represents her members on the subject of
> networkfacilities which are provided by ICTS (a service of the
> University of Twente).
> The FTPcom takes care of large sum of open-source software, primarily
> for our students and also publicly available for the rest of the world.
> For more info about our ftp server, please take a look at the following
> url:
> One of our students asked us if we could support the Lede project.
> I found the Todo part on the website, where I found these two sentences
> about mirroring:
> # 1. Provide a master for the download mirroring infrastructure
> # 2. Find mirroring capacity - we liberally distribute rsync keys if you
> have bandwidth and storage available on trusted infrastructure contact us
> Blogic told me the following:
> 06:09 <blogic> basically you will need around 80GB i think right now
> 06:10 <blogic> and then you just clone using rsync and tell us the url
> I am guessing you already have #1 setup?

Yes, we're operating an rsync master now, please refer to for details. I attempted to
provide a simple "howto mirror" there.

> In regards to #2;
> - Would you like to push rsync's to us, or do you want us to pull?
> -- In case of pull;

We'd very much like you to pull from our server.

> --- What is the rsync address we should mirror from.


> --- Do you recommend any hourly schedule for the rsync to run or will
> this be at our leisure.

The rsync server is fed directly by our build servers which means it is
(currently) updated at random intervals. Currently a mirror interval
once or twice a day is best for us, something like 05:00 and 17:00 would
be fine I suppose.

> -- in case of push;
> --- What address can we expect the push to come from
> --- What is your public rsa key, for authorization
> - When we mirror the content, will there be different repositories to
> mirror or will everything be included?

The "downloads" share offered by the rsync server contains all binary
assets produced by the LEDE project, this means firmware images, package
repositories etc.

Once your mirror is running just send me the URL(s) and I'll link them
to the official download page.

Kind regards,

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