[RFC] Rethink the voting / decision making process

David Lang david at lang.hm
Wed Jun 1 20:24:43 EDT 2016

On Fri, 27 May 2016, Conor O'Gorman wrote:

> What do other open source projects do? Always easy to learn from examples.

The vast majority have a core group that's in charge and voting happens only 
within that group (if it happens at all), in some cases membership in this group 
is by election.

Debian has formal elections/votes and qualifications to be a Debian Developer, 
and even they end up with arguments about how this excludes people who are 
providing valuable service to Debian

Unfortunantely there is no "right way" to do govern a project. Just about any 
scheme you dream up will find both successful and unsuccessful examples.

David Lang

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