Regarding the real-name-only contribution policy

sudobash418 sudobash418 at
Tue Jun 18 12:00:21 PDT 2024

On 2024-06-18 12:43, Arınç ÜNAL wrote:
> After the xz backdoor incident, I don't think it would be very wise to
> start allowing usernames. Not just that, anyone with a full name that
> cannot be tied to a real person through either public knowledge on the
> internet, or information privately provided to the maintainers of the
> project is a potential infiltrator in my eyes.
> But, I think usernames should be allowed for submissions, and the
> submissions must be reviewed thoroughly. Becoming a maintainer or a 
> member
> of the project on the other hand, must not be possible unless the 
> person's
> real life identity is privately provided.
> Arınç 

IMHO, neither version of the contribution policy ("real-name-only" or 
"known identity") matters for malicious (or compromised) contributors.
A malicious "contributor" can simply fake their name, and under the 
current policy, it would be accepted at face value.

Note that I am ignoring *committers*, because that is a much more 
selective and trusted group, and has different rules from what I understand.
The policy change that I am talking about is for contributors, not 
committers (the ~50 people who can merge changes into the project repos).

Proof-of-identity is a valid concern, but I think it's largely 
orthogonal from this specific policy.


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