[patch] logread : add option to exclude lines matching regex

Dan Brown danbrown at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 04:57:55 PST 2023

From: Dan Brown <danbrown at gmail.com>

logread: add option to exclude lines matching regex

This adds another filtering option (-E) to exclude lines that match a
regex, similar to the existing include option (-e):
-e <pattern>       include messages matching a regexp
-E <pattern>       exclude messages matching a regexp

The two options -e and -E are independent, and lines must pass both
tests to appear in program output.
* 'logread -E dhcp' will display all lines that do not contain the string "dhcp"
* 'logread -e dhcp -E 192.168' will display all lines that contain
"dhcp" and do not contain "192.168"

signed off by: Dan Brown, danbrown at gmail.com

The motivation for adding this option to logread is to remove frequent
and uninteresting loglines from being displayed in Luci. One way to
achieve this is to install an alternate logging system (syslog-ng or
rsyslog) and set up rules for filtering there. Instead of that, I
would prefer to use the simpler and standard logd/ubox method with
this small enhancement.

This patch applies to the ubox project

--- log/logread.c.orig    2023-01-23 13:16:59.502476137 +0100
+++ log/logread.c    2023-01-23 13:34:27.656416367 +0100
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ static const struct blobmsg_policy log_p
 static struct uloop_timeout retry;
 static struct uloop_fd sender;
 static regex_t regexp_preg;
-static const char *log_file, *log_ip, *log_port, *log_prefix,
*pid_file, *hostname, *regexp_pattern;
+static const char *log_file, *log_ip, *log_port, *log_prefix, *pid_file;
+static const char *hostname, *regexp_pattern_include, *regexp_pattern_exclude;
 static int log_type = LOG_STDOUT;
 static int log_size, log_udp, log_follow, log_trailer_null = 0;
 static int log_timestamp;
@@ -157,9 +158,12 @@ static int log_notify(struct blob_attr *
             return 0;

     m = blobmsg_get_string(tb[LOG_MSG]);
-    if (regexp_pattern &&
+    if (regexp_pattern_include &&
         regexec(&regexp_preg, m, 0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH)
         return 0;
+    if (regexp_pattern_exclude &&
+        regexec(&regexp_preg, m, 0, NULL, 0) != REG_NOMATCH)
+        return 0;
     t = blobmsg_get_u64(tb[LOG_TIME]) / 1000;
     if (log_timestamp) {
         t_ms = blobmsg_get_u64(tb[LOG_TIME]) % 1000;
@@ -226,7 +230,8 @@ static int usage(const char *prog)
         "    -s <path>        Path to ubus socket\n"
         "    -l    <count>        Got only the last 'count' messages\n"
-        "    -e    <pattern>    Filter messages with a regexp\n"
+        "    -e    <pattern>    include messages matching a regexp\n"
+        "    -E    <pattern>    exclude messages matching a regexp\n"
         "    -r    <server> <port>    Stream message to a server\n"
         "    -F    <file>        Log file\n"
         "    -S    <bytes>        Log size\n"
@@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

     signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

-    while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "u0fcs:l:z:Z:r:F:p:S:P:h:e:t")) != -1) {
+    while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "u0fcs:l:z:Z:r:F:p:S:P:h:e:E:t")) != -1) {
         switch (ch) {
         case 'u':
             log_udp = 1;
@@ -362,7 +367,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
         case 'e':
             if (!regcomp(&regexp_preg, optarg, REG_NOSUB)) {
-                regexp_pattern = optarg;
+                regexp_pattern_include = optarg;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'E':
+            if (!regcomp(&regexp_preg, optarg, REG_NOSUB)) {
+                regexp_pattern_exclude = optarg;
         case 't':

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