Broken PCI wlan chip on latest firmware

Enrico Mioso at
Tue Apr 12 16:52:38 PDT 2022


Unfrotunately, on latest snapshot

the PCI wlan chip on the device does not appear.

Any hints? I suspect this could be related to latest commits changing calibration related things.
Attached list of packages + dmesg.

$ ssh root at

BusyBox v1.35.0 (2022-04-12 12:02:16 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

   _______                     ________        __
  |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
  |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
  |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
           |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
  OpenWrt SNAPSHOT, r19428-bea01fa57f
root at ShakoBoard:~# opkg list-installed
ath10k-board-qca4019 - 20220209-1
ath10k-board-qca9888 - 20220209-1
ath10k-firmware-qca4019-ct - 2020-11-08-1
ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct - 2020-11-08-1
base-files - 1473-r19428-bea01fa57f
busybox - 1.35.0-3
ca-bundle - 20211016-1
dnsmasq - 2.86-12
dropbear - 2022.82-1
e2fsprogs - 1.46.5-1
f2fs-tools - 1.14.0-2
f2fsck - 1.14.0-2
fdisk - 2.37.3-3
firewall4 - 2022-04-02-a3788839-1
fstools - 2021-11-16-77c02889-1
fwtool - 2019-11-12-8f7fe925-1
hostapd-common - 2022-01-16-cff80b4f-8
ipq-wifi-glinet_gl-b2200 - 1
iw - 5.16-1
iwinfo - 2022-03-01-90bfbb9a-1
jansson4 - 2.13.1-2
jshn - 2021-11-20-cce5e351-1
jsonfilter - 2018-02-04-c7e938d6-1
kernel - 5.10.110-1-ad0478b8a14f4e7d09fac79cd5f17637
kmod-ath - 5.10.110+5.15.33-1-1
kmod-ath10k-ct - 5.10.110+2021-11-28-dc350bbf-5
kmod-cfg80211 - 5.10.110+5.15.33-1-1
kmod-crypto-acompress - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-aead - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-ccm - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-cmac - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-crc32 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-crc32c - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-ctr - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-gcm - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-gf128 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-ghash - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-hash - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-hmac - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-kpp - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-lib-blake2s - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-lib-chacha20 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-lib-chacha20poly1305 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-lib-curve25519 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-lib-poly1305 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-manager - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-null - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-rng - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-seqiv - 5.10.110-1
kmod-crypto-sha256 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-fs-ext4 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-fs-f2fs - 5.10.110-1
kmod-gpio-button-hotplug - 5.10.110-3
kmod-hwmon-core - 5.10.110-1
kmod-leds-gpio - 5.10.110-1
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt - 5.10.110-1
kmod-lib-crc16 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-lib-crc32c - 5.10.110-1
kmod-lib-lzo - 5.10.110-1
kmod-mac80211 - 5.10.110+5.15.33-1-1
kmod-mmc - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nf-conntrack - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nf-conntrack6 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nf-flow - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nf-log - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nf-log6 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nf-nat - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nf-nat6 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nf-reject - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nf-reject6 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nfnetlink - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nft-core - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nft-fib - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nft-nat - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nft-nat6 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nft-offload - 5.10.110-1
kmod-nls-base - 5.10.110-1
kmod-ppp - 5.10.110-1
kmod-pppoe - 5.10.110-1
kmod-pppox - 5.10.110-1
kmod-slhc - 5.10.110-1
kmod-spi-dev - 5.10.110-1
kmod-udptunnel4 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-udptunnel6 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-usb-core - 5.10.110-1
kmod-usb-dwc3 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-usb-dwc3-qcom - 5.10.110-1
kmod-usb-xhci-hcd - 5.10.110-1
kmod-usb3 - 5.10.110-1
kmod-wireguard - 5.10.110-1
libblkid1 - 2.37.3-3
libblobmsg-json20211120 - 2021-11-20-cce5e351-1
libc - 1.2.3-4
libcomerr0 - 1.46.5-1
libevent2-core7 - 2.1.12-1
libext2fs2 - 1.46.5-1
libf2fs6 - 1.14.0-2
libfdisk1 - 2.37.3-3
libgcc1 - 11.2.0-4
libiwinfo-data - 2022-03-01-90bfbb9a-1
libiwinfo20210430 - 2022-03-01-90bfbb9a-1
libjson-c5 - 0.15-2
libjson-script20211120 - 2021-11-20-cce5e351-1
libmnl0 - 1.0.5-1
libncurses6 - 6.3-1
libnftnl11 - 1.2.1-1
libnl-tiny1 - 2021-11-21-8e0555fb-1
libpthread - 1.2.3-4
librt - 1.2.3-4
libsmartcols1 - 2.37.3-3
libss2 - 1.46.5-1
libubox20211120 - 2021-11-20-cce5e351-1
libubus20220228 - 2022-02-28-584f56a2-2
libuci20130104 - 2021-10-22-f84f49f0-6
libuclient20201210 - 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1
libucode20220322 - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
libustream-wolfssl20201210 - 2022-01-16-868fd881-1
libuuid1 - 2.37.3-3
libwolfssl5.2.0.31258522 - 5.2.0-stable-1
logd - 2022-01-06-b87a4fdc-2
mkf2fs - 1.14.0-2
mtd - 26
netifd - 2022-02-20-136006b8-1
nftables-json - 1.0.2-2
openwrt-keyring - 2022-03-25-62471e69-2
opkg - 2022-01-09-2edcfad1-1
ppp - 2.4.9.git-2021-01-04-3
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.9.git-2021-01-04-3
procd - 2022-02-19-ad652490-3
procd-seccomp - 2022-02-19-ad652490-3
procd-ujail - 2022-02-19-ad652490-3
procps-ng - 3.3.16-3
procps-ng-ps - 3.3.16-3
strace - 5.16-1
swconfig - 12
terminfo - 6.3-1
tmux - 3.2a-1
ubi-utils - 2.1.4-1
uboot-envtools - 2022.01-17
ubox - 2022-01-06-b87a4fdc-2
ubus - 2022-02-28-584f56a2-2
ubusd - 2022-02-28-584f56a2-2
uci - 2021-10-22-f84f49f0-6
uclient-fetch - 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1
ucode - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
ucode-mod-fs - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
ucode-mod-math - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
ucode-mod-nl80211 - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
ucode-mod-resolv - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
ucode-mod-rtnl - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
ucode-mod-struct - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
ucode-mod-ubus - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
ucode-mod-uci - 2022-04-07-33f1e0b0-1
urandom-seed - 3
urngd - 2020-01-21-c7f7b6b6-1
usign - 2020-05-23-f1f65026-1
wireguard-tools - 1.0.20210424-3
wireless-regdb - 2022.02.18-1
wpad-basic-wolfssl - 2022-01-16-cff80b4f-8
root at ShakoBoard:~# dmesg|grep -i ath
ath10k 5.15 driver, optimized for CT firmware, probing pci device: 0x56.
ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: pci irq msi oper_irq_mode 2 irq_mode 0 reset_mode 0
ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: qca9888 hw2.0 target 0x01000000 chip_id 0x00000000 sub 0000:0000
ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: kconfig debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 0 dfs 1 testmode 0
ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: firmware ver 10.4b-ct-9888-fW-13-5ae337bb1 api 5 features mfp,peer-flow-ctrl,txstatus-noack,wmi-10.x-CT,ratemask-CT,regdump-CT,txrate-CT,flush-all-CT,pingpong-CT,ch-regs-CT,nop-CT,set-special-CT,tx-rc-CT,cust-stats-CT,txrate2-CT,beacon-cb-CT,wmi-block-ack-CT,wmi-bcn-rc-CT crc32 59e741e7
ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: failed to fetch board data for bus=pci,bmi-chip-id=0,bmi-board-id=16,variant=GL-B2200 from ath10k/QCA9888/hw2.0/board-2.bin
ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: failed to fetch board-2.bin or board.bin from ath10k/QCA9888/hw2.0
ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: failed to fetch board file: -12
ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: could not probe fw (-12)
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: qca4019 hw1.0 target 0x01000000 chip_id 0x003b00ff sub 0000:0000
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: kconfig debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 0 dfs 1 testmode 0
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: firmware ver 10.4b-ct-4019-fW-13-5ae337bb1 api 5 features mfp,peer-flow-ctrl,txstatus-noack,wmi-10.x-CT,ratemask-CT,regdump-CT,txrate-CT,flush-all-CT,pingpong-CT,ch-regs-CT,nop-CT,set-special-CT,tx-rc-CT,cust-stats-CT,txrate2-CT,beacon-cb-CT,wmi-block-ack-CT,wmi-bcn-rc-CT crc32 6b2b5c5b
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: board_file api 2 bmi_id 0:20 crc32 1c506103
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: 10.4 wmi init: vdevs: 16  peers: 48  tid: 96
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: msdu-desc: 2500  skid: 32
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: wmi print 'P 48/48 V 16 K 144 PH 176 T 186  msdu-desc: 2500  sw-crypt: 0 ct-sta: 0'
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: wmi print 'free: 53252 iram: 13432 sram: 35752'
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: htt-ver 2.2 wmi-op 6 htt-op 4 cal pre-cal-nvmem max-sta 32 raw 0 hwcrypto 1
ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x0
ath: EEPROM indicates default country code should be used
ath: doing EEPROM country->regdmn map search
ath: country maps to regdmn code: 0x3a
ath: Country alpha2 being used: US
ath: Regpair used: 0x3a
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: qca4019 hw1.0 target 0x01000000 chip_id 0x003b00ff sub 0000:0000
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: kconfig debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 0 dfs 1 testmode 0
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: firmware ver 10.4b-ct-4019-fW-13-5ae337bb1 api 5 features mfp,peer-flow-ctrl,txstatus-noack,wmi-10.x-CT,ratemask-CT,regdump-CT,txrate-CT,flush-all-CT,pingpong-CT,ch-regs-CT,nop-CT,set-special-CT,tx-rc-CT,cust-stats-CT,txrate2-CT,beacon-cb-CT,wmi-block-ack-CT,wmi-bcn-rc-CT crc32 6b2b5c5b
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: board_file api 2 bmi_id 0:21 crc32 1c506103
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: 10.4 wmi init: vdevs: 16  peers: 48  tid: 96
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: msdu-desc: 2500  skid: 32
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: wmi print 'P 48/48 V 16 K 144 PH 176 T 186  msdu-desc: 2500  sw-crypt: 0 ct-sta: 0'
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: wmi print 'free: 53252 iram: 13432 sram: 35752'
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: htt-ver 2.2 wmi-op 6 htt-op 4 cal pre-cal-nvmem max-sta 32 raw 0 hwcrypto 1
ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x0
ath: EEPROM indicates default country code should be used
ath: doing EEPROM country->regdmn map search
ath: country maps to regdmn code: 0x3a
ath: Country alpha2 being used: US
ath: Regpair used: 0x3a
ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x817c
ath: EEPROM indicates we should expect a country code
ath: doing EEPROM country->regdmn map search
ath: country maps to regdmn code: 0x37
ath: Country alpha2 being used: IT
ath: Regpair used: 0x37
ath: regdomain 0x817c dynamically updated by user
ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x817c
ath: EEPROM indicates we should expect a country code
ath: doing EEPROM country->regdmn map search
ath: country maps to regdmn code: 0x37
ath: Country alpha2 being used: IT
ath: Regpair used: 0x37
ath: regdomain 0x817c dynamically updated by user
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: 10.4 wmi init: vdevs: 16  peers: 48  tid: 96
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: msdu-desc: 2500  skid: 32
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: wmi print 'P 48/48 V 16 K 144 PH 176 T 186  msdu-desc: 2500  sw-crypt: 0 ct-sta: 0'
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: wmi print 'free: 53252 iram: 13432 sram: 35752'
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: rts threshold -1
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Firmware lacks feature flag indicating a retry limit of > 2 is OK, requested limit: 4
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: NOTE:  Firmware DBGLOG output disabled in debug_mask: 0x10000000
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: 10.4 wmi init: vdevs: 16  peers: 48  tid: 96
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: msdu-desc: 2500  skid: 32
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: wmi print 'P 48/48 V 16 K 144 PH 176 T 186  msdu-desc: 2500  sw-crypt: 0 ct-sta: 0'
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: wmi print 'free: 53252 iram: 13432 sram: 35752'
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: rts threshold -1
ath10k_ahb a800000.wifi: Firmware lacks feature flag indicating a retry limit of > 2 is OK, requested limit: 4
ath10k_ahb a000000.wifi: Invalid VHT mcs 15 peer stats
root at ShakoBoard:~#

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