[PATCH 1/2] owipcalc: remove package

Alberto Bursi bobafetthotmail at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 13:54:38 EST 2021

I think you are ovverreacting a bit, package feeds are still part of 
OpenWrt project and jow has commit access there as well.
Anyobody that needs that tool can still take it from there.
Actually moving it to Packages allows other downstream projects like 
Entware-ng (that is using OpenWrt Package feeds to create packages for 
stock router firmware and DD-WRT) as a  to use it more easily.

This is part of the project goal to leave only essential packages in 
OpenWrt core repo to decrease the load on reviewers for any update to 
them (as review process for packages in Package feed is simpler and a 
lot more people have commit access there)
Many other packages have been moved to Package feeds already.


On 22/01/21 16:11, Nick wrote:
> Ah okay. I see no problem anymore. :)
> But jow is the maintainer and author of owipcalc. I would even say that 
> this tool could also be useful on other paltforms and not only OpenWrt. 
> I would take care of that if jow is fine with it.
> Bests,
> Nick
>  > On 1/22/21 1:43 PM, Adrian Schmutzler wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: openwrt-devel [mailto:openwrt-devel-bounces at lists.openwrt.org]
>>> On Behalf Of Nick
>>> Sent: Freitag, 22. Januar 2021 12:50
>>> To: openwrt-devel at lists.openwrt.org
>>> Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] owipcalc: remove package
>>> Is it okay to push c-code into packages feed, if it is not patch 
>>> related? (never
>>> saw this)
>> I grepped for "stdlib.h" in packages and found e.g. this one here:
>> https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/014e02ab075333bccd6ac5f3c8eaceba6ab41157/utils/sockread/Makefile 
>> Apart from that, I don't see a reason why we would not accept C-code 
>> in packages?
>> Best
>> Adrian
>>> On 1/22/21 10:51 AM, Adrian Schmutzler wrote:
>>>> This is a helpful utility, but it does not have any dependencies in
>>>> this repository. Move it to packages feed.
>>>> Cc: Jo-Philipp Wich <jo at mein.io>
>>>> Cc: Nick Hainke <vincent at systemli.org>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <freifunk at adrianschmutzler.de>
>>>> ---
>>>>    package/network/utils/owipcalc/Makefile       |  44 -
>>>>    package/network/utils/owipcalc/src/owipcalc.c | 950 
>>>> ------------------
>>>>    2 files changed, 994 deletions(-)
>>>>    delete mode 100644 package/network/utils/owipcalc/Makefile
>>>>    delete mode 100644 package/network/utils/owipcalc/src/owipcalc.c
>>>> diff --git a/package/network/utils/owipcalc/Makefile
>>>> b/package/network/utils/owipcalc/Makefile
>>>> deleted file mode 100644
>>>> index dc68a0346b..0000000000
>>>> --- a/package/network/utils/owipcalc/Makefile
>>>> +++ /dev/null
>>>> @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
>>>> -#
>>>> -# Copyright (C) 2012 Jo-Philipp Wich <jo at mein.io> -# -# This is free
>>>> software, licensed under the Apache 2 license.
>>>> -#
>>>> -
>>>> -include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
>>>> -
>>>> -PKG_NAME:=owipcalc
>>>> -PKG_RELEASE:=5
>>>> -PKG_LICENSE:=Apache-2.0
>>>> -
>>>> -include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -define Package/owipcalc
>>>> -  SECTION:=utils
>>>> -  CATEGORY:=Utilities
>>>> -  TITLE:=Simple IPv4/IPv6 address calculator
>>>> -  MAINTAINER:=Jo-Philipp Wich <jo at mein.io> -endef
>>>> -
>>>> -define Package/owipcalc/description
>>>> -  The owipcalc utility supports a number of calculations and tests to
>>>> work
>>>> -  with ip-address ranges, this is useful for scripts that e.g. need
>>>> to
>>>> -  partition ipv6-prefixes into small subnets or to calculate address
>>>> ranges
>>>> -  for dhcp pools.
>>>> -endef
>>>> -
>>>> -define Build/Configure
>>>> -endef
>>>> -
>>>> -define Build/Compile
>>>> -    $(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_CFLAGS) \
>>>> -        -o $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/owipcalc
>>> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/owipcalc.c
>>>> -endef
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -define Package/owipcalc/install
>>>> -    $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
>>>> -    $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/owipcalc $(1)/usr/bin/owipcalc
>>>> -endef
>>>> -
>>>> -$(eval $(call BuildPackage,owipcalc)) diff --git
>>>> a/package/network/utils/owipcalc/src/owipcalc.c
>>>> b/package/network/utils/owipcalc/src/owipcalc.c
>>>> deleted file mode 100644
>>>> index 5ed609f158..0000000000
>>>> --- a/package/network/utils/owipcalc/src/owipcalc.c
>>>> +++ /dev/null
>>>> @@ -1,950 +0,0 @@
>>>> -/*
>>>> - * owipcalc - OpenWrt IP Calculator
>>>> - *
>>>> - *   Copyright (C) 2012 Jo-Philipp Wich <jo at mein.io>
>>>> - *
>>>> - *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
>>>> - *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
>>>> - *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
>>>> - *
>>>> - *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
>>>> - *
>>>> - *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
>>>> software
>>>> - *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
>>> or implied.
>>>> - *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions
>>>> and
>>>> - *  limitations under the License.
>>>> - */
>>>> -
>>>> -#include <stdio.h>
>>>> -#include <stdint.h>
>>>> -#include <stdbool.h>
>>>> -#include <stdlib.h>
>>>> -
>>>> -#include <string.h>
>>>> -#include <unistd.h>
>>>> -
>>>> -#include <arpa/inet.h>
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -struct cidr {
>>>> -    uint8_t family;
>>>> -    uint32_t prefix;
>>>> -    union {
>>>> -        struct in_addr v4;
>>>> -        struct in6_addr v6;
>>>> -    } addr;
>>>> -    union {
>>>> -        char v4[sizeof(" ")];
>>>> -        char
>>> v6[sizeof("FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF: ")];
>>>> -    } buf;
>>>> -    struct cidr *next;
>>>> -};
>>>> -
>>>> -struct op {
>>>> -    const char *name;
>>>> -    const char *desc;
>>>> -    struct {
>>>> -        bool (*a1)(struct cidr *a);
>>>> -        bool (*a2)(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b);
>>>> -    } f4;
>>>> -    struct {
>>>> -        bool (*a1)(struct cidr *a);
>>>> -        bool (*a2)(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b);
>>>> -    } f6;
>>>> -};
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool quiet = false;
>>>> -static bool printed = false;
>>>> -
>>>> -static struct cidr *stack = NULL;
>>>> -
>>>> -#define qprintf(...) \
>>>> -    do { \
>>>> -        if (!quiet) printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
>>>> -        printed = true; \
>>>> -    } while(0)
>>>> -
>>>> -static void cidr_push(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    if (a)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        a->next = stack;
>>>> -        stack = a;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_pop(struct cidr *a)
>>>> -{
>>>> -    struct cidr *old = stack;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (old)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        stack = stack->next;
>>>> -        free(old);
>>>> -
>>>> -        return true;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    return false;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static struct cidr * cidr_clone(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    struct cidr *b = malloc(sizeof(*b));
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!b)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
>>>> -        exit(255);
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    memcpy(b, a, sizeof(*b));
>>>> -    cidr_push(b);
>>>> -
>>>> -    return b;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -static struct cidr * cidr_parse4(const char *s) -{
>>>> -    char *p = NULL, *r;
>>>> -    struct in_addr mask;
>>>> -    struct cidr *addr = malloc(sizeof(struct cidr));
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!addr || (strlen(s) >= sizeof(addr->buf.v4)))
>>>> -        goto err;
>>>> -
>>>> -    snprintf(addr->buf.v4, sizeof(addr->buf.v4), "%s", s);
>>>> -
>>>> -    addr->family = AF_INET;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((p = strchr(addr->buf.v4, '/')) != NULL)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        *p++ = 0;
>>>> -
>>>> -        if (strchr(p, '.') != NULL)
>>>> -        {
>>>> -            if (inet_pton(AF_INET, p, &mask) != 1)
>>>> -                goto err;
>>>> -
>>>> -            for (addr->prefix = 0; mask.s_addr; mask.s_addr >>=
>>> 1)
>>>> -                addr->prefix += (mask.s_addr & 1);
>>>> -        }
>>>> -        else
>>>> -        {
>>>> -            addr->prefix = strtoul(p, &r, 10);
>>>> -
>>>> -            if ((p == r) || (*r != 0) || (addr->prefix > 32))
>>>> -                goto err;
>>>> -        }
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    else
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        addr->prefix = 32;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (p == addr->buf.v4+1)
>>>> -        memset(&addr->addr.v4, 0, sizeof(addr->addr.v4));
>>>> -    else if (inet_pton(AF_INET, addr->buf.v4, &addr->addr.v4) != 1)
>>>> -        goto err;
>>>> -
>>>> -    return addr;
>>>> -
>>>> -err:
>>>> -    if (addr)
>>>> -        free(addr);
>>>> -
>>>> -    return NULL;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_add4(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    uint32_t x = ntohl(a->addr.v4.s_addr);
>>>> -    uint32_t y = ntohl(b->addr.v4.s_addr);
>>>> -
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((n->family != AF_INET) || (b->family != AF_INET))
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((uint32_t)(x + y) < x)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "overflow during 'add'\n");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->addr.v4.s_addr = htonl(x + y);
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_sub4(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    uint32_t x = ntohl(a->addr.v4.s_addr);
>>>> -    uint32_t y = ntohl(b->addr.v4.s_addr);
>>>> -
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((n->family != AF_INET) || (b->family != AF_INET))
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((uint32_t)(x - y) > x)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "underflow during 'sub'\n");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->addr.v4.s_addr = htonl(x - y);
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_network4(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->addr.v4.s_addr &= htonl(~((1 << (32 - n->prefix)) - 1));
>>>> -    n->prefix = 32;
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_broadcast4(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->addr.v4.s_addr |= htonl(((1 << (32 - n->prefix)) - 1));
>>>> -    n->prefix = 32;
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_contains4(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    uint32_t net1 = a->addr.v4.s_addr & htonl(~((1 << (32 - 
>>>> a->prefix)) -
>>> 1));
>>>> -    uint32_t net2 = b->addr.v4.s_addr & htonl(~((1 << (32 - 
>>>> a->prefix)) -
>>> 1));
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (printed)
>>>> -        qprintf(" ");
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((b->prefix >= a->prefix) && (net1 == net2))
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("1");
>>>> -        return true;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    else
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("0");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_netmask4(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->addr.v4.s_addr = htonl(~((1 << (32 - n->prefix)) - 1));
>>>> -    n->prefix = 32;
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_private4(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    uint32_t x = ntohl(a->addr.v4.s_addr);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (printed)
>>>> -        qprintf(" ");
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (((x >= 0x0A000000) && (x <= 0x0AFFFFFF)) ||
>>>> -        ((x >= 0xAC100000) && (x <= 0xAC1FFFFF)) ||
>>>> -        ((x >= 0xC0A80000) && (x <= 0xC0A8FFFF)))
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("1");
>>>> -        return true;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    else
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("0");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_linklocal4(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    uint32_t x = ntohl(a->addr.v4.s_addr);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (printed)
>>>> -        qprintf(" ");
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((x >= 0xA9FE0000) && (x <= 0xA9FEFFFF))
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("1");
>>>> -        return true;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    else
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("0");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_prev4(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->prefix = b->prefix;
>>>> -    n->addr.v4.s_addr -= htonl(1 << (32 - b->prefix));
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_next4(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->prefix = b->prefix;
>>>> -    n->addr.v4.s_addr += htonl(1 << (32 - b->prefix));
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_6to4(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -    uint32_t x = a->addr.v4.s_addr;
>>>> -
>>>> -    memset(&n->addr.v6.s6_addr, 0, sizeof(n->addr.v6.s6_addr));
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->family = AF_INET6;
>>>> -    n->prefix = 48;
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->addr.v6.s6_addr[0] = 0x20;
>>>> -    n->addr.v6.s6_addr[1] = 0x02;
>>>> -    n->addr.v6.s6_addr[2] = (x >> 24);
>>>> -    n->addr.v6.s6_addr[3] = (x >> 16) & 0xFF;
>>>> -    n->addr.v6.s6_addr[4] = (x >>  8) & 0xFF;
>>>> -    n->addr.v6.s6_addr[5] = x & 0xFF;
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_print4(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    char *p;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!a || (a->family != AF_INET))
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!(p = (char *)inet_ntop(AF_INET, &a->addr.v4, a->buf.v4, 
>>>> sizeof(a-
>>>> buf.v4))))
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (printed)
>>>> -        qprintf(" ");
>>>> -
>>>> -    qprintf("%s", p);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (a->prefix < 32)
>>>> -        qprintf("/%u", a->prefix);
>>>> -
>>>> -    cidr_pop(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -static struct cidr * cidr_parse6(const char *s) -{
>>>> -    char *p = NULL, *r;
>>>> -    struct cidr *addr = malloc(sizeof(struct cidr));
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!addr || (strlen(s) >= sizeof(addr->buf.v6)))
>>>> -        goto err;
>>>> -
>>>> -    snprintf(addr->buf.v6, sizeof(addr->buf.v6), "%s", s);
>>>> -
>>>> -    addr->family = AF_INET6;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((p = strchr(addr->buf.v6, '/')) != NULL)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        *p++ = 0;
>>>> -
>>>> -        addr->prefix = strtoul(p, &r, 10);
>>>> -
>>>> -        if ((p == r) || (*r != 0) || (addr->prefix > 128))
>>>> -            goto err;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    else
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        addr->prefix = 128;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (p == addr->buf.v6+1)
>>>> -        memset(&addr->addr.v6, 0, sizeof(addr->addr.v6));
>>>> -    else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr->buf.v6, &addr->addr.v6) != 1)
>>>> -        goto err;
>>>> -
>>>> -    return addr;
>>>> -
>>>> -err:
>>>> -    if (addr)
>>>> -        free(addr);
>>>> -
>>>> -    return NULL;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_add6(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    uint8_t idx = 15, carry = 0, overflow = 0;
>>>> -
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -    struct in6_addr *x = &n->addr.v6;
>>>> -    struct in6_addr *y = &b->addr.v6;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((a->family != AF_INET6) || (b->family != AF_INET6))
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -    do {
>>>> -        overflow = !!((x->s6_addr[idx] + y->s6_addr[idx] + carry) >=
>>> 256);
>>>> -        x->s6_addr[idx] += y->s6_addr[idx] + carry;
>>>> -        carry = overflow;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    while (idx-- > 0);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (carry)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "overflow during 'add'\n");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_sub6(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    uint8_t idx = 15, carry = 0, underflow = 0;
>>>> -
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -    struct in6_addr *x = &n->addr.v6;
>>>> -    struct in6_addr *y = &b->addr.v6;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((n->family != AF_INET6) || (b->family != AF_INET6))
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -    do {
>>>> -        underflow = !!((x->s6_addr[idx] - y->s6_addr[idx] - carry) <
>>> 0);
>>>> -        x->s6_addr[idx] -= y->s6_addr[idx] + carry;
>>>> -        carry = underflow;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    while (idx-- > 0);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (carry)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "underflow during 'sub'\n");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_prev6(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    uint8_t idx, carry = 1, underflow = 0;
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -    struct in6_addr *x = &n->addr.v6;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (b->prefix == 0)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "underflow during 'prev'\n");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    idx = (b->prefix - 1) / 8;
>>>> -
>>>> -    do {
>>>> -        underflow = !!((x->s6_addr[idx] - carry) < 0);
>>>> -        x->s6_addr[idx] -= carry;
>>>> -        carry = underflow;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    while (idx-- > 0);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (carry)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "underflow during 'prev'\n");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->prefix = b->prefix;
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_next6(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    uint8_t idx, carry = 1, overflow = 0;
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -    struct in6_addr *x = &n->addr.v6;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (b->prefix == 0)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "overflow during 'next'\n");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    idx = (b->prefix - 1) / 8;
>>>> -
>>>> -    do {
>>>> -        overflow = !!((x->s6_addr[idx] + carry) >= 256);
>>>> -        x->s6_addr[idx] += carry;
>>>> -        carry = overflow;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    while (idx-- > 0);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (carry)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "overflow during 'next'\n");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    n->prefix = b->prefix;
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_network6(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    uint8_t i;
>>>> -    struct cidr *n = cidr_clone(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    for (i = 0; i < (128 - n->prefix) / 8; i++)
>>>> -        n->addr.v6.s6_addr[15-i] = 0;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((128 - n->prefix) % 8)
>>>> -        n->addr.v6.s6_addr[15-i] &= ~((1 << ((128 - n->prefix) % 8)) -
>>> 1);
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_contains6(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    struct in6_addr *x = &a->addr.v6;
>>>> -    struct in6_addr *y = &b->addr.v6;
>>>> -    uint8_t i = (128 - a->prefix) / 8;
>>>> -    uint8_t m = ~((1 << ((128 - a->prefix) % 8)) - 1);
>>>> -    uint8_t net1 = x->s6_addr[15-i] & m;
>>>> -    uint8_t net2 = y->s6_addr[15-i] & m;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (printed)
>>>> -        qprintf(" ");
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((b->prefix >= a->prefix) && (net1 == net2) &&
>>>> -        ((i == 15) || !memcmp(&x->s6_addr, &y->s6_addr, 15-i)))
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("1");
>>>> -        return true;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    else
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("0");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_linklocal6(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    if (printed)
>>>> -        qprintf(" ");
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((a->addr.v6.s6_addr[0] == 0xFE) &&
>>>> -        (a->addr.v6.s6_addr[1] >= 0x80) &&
>>>> -        (a->addr.v6.s6_addr[1] <= 0xBF))
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("1");
>>>> -        return true;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    else
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("0");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_ula6(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    if (printed)
>>>> -        qprintf(" ");
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((a->addr.v6.s6_addr[0] >= 0xFC) &&
>>>> -        (a->addr.v6.s6_addr[0] <= 0xFD))
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("1");
>>>> -        return true;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -    else
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        qprintf("0");
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_print6(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    char *p;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!a || (a->family != AF_INET6))
>>>> -        return NULL;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!(p = (char *)inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a->addr.v6, a->buf.v6,
>>> sizeof(a->buf.v6))))
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (printed)
>>>> -        qprintf(" ");
>>>> -
>>>> -    qprintf("%s", p);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (a->prefix < 128)
>>>> -        qprintf("/%u", a->prefix);
>>>> -
>>>> -    cidr_pop(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -static struct cidr * cidr_parse(const char *op, const char *s, int
>>>> af_hint) -{
>>>> -    char *r;
>>>> -    struct cidr *a;
>>>> -
>>>> -    uint8_t i;
>>>> -    uint32_t sum = strtoul(s, &r, 0);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if ((r > s) && (*r == 0))
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        a = malloc(sizeof(struct cidr));
>>>> -
>>>> -        if (!a)
>>>> -            return NULL;
>>>> -
>>>> -        if (af_hint == AF_INET)
>>>> -        {
>>>> -            a->family = AF_INET;
>>>> -            a->prefix = sum;
>>>> -            a->addr.v4.s_addr = htonl(sum);
>>>> -        }
>>>> -        else
>>>> -        {
>>>> -            a->family = AF_INET6;
>>>> -            a->prefix = sum;
>>>> -
>>>> -            for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
>>>> -            {
>>>> -                a->addr.v6.s6_addr[15-i] = sum % 256;
>>>> -                sum >>= 8;
>>>> -            }
>>>> -        }
>>>> -
>>>> -        return a;
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (strchr(s, ':'))
>>>> -        a = cidr_parse6(s);
>>>> -    else
>>>> -        a = cidr_parse4(s);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!a)
>>>> -        return NULL;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (a->family != af_hint)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "attempt to '%s' %s with %s address\n",
>>>> -                op,
>>>> -                (af_hint == AF_INET) ? "ipv4" : "ipv6",
>>>> -                (af_hint != AF_INET) ? "ipv4" : "ipv6");
>>>> -        exit(4);
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    return a;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_howmany(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    if (printed)
>>>> -        qprintf(" ");
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (b->prefix < a->prefix)
>>>> -        qprintf("0");
>>>> -    else
>>>> -        qprintf("%u", 1 << (b->prefix - a->prefix));
>>>> -
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_prefix(struct cidr *a, struct cidr *b) -{
>>>> -    a->prefix = b->prefix;
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool cidr_quiet(struct cidr *a) -{
>>>> -    quiet = true;
>>>> -    return true;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -struct op ops[] = {
>>>> -    { .name = "add",
>>>> -      .desc = "Add argument to base address",
>>>> -      .f4.a2 = cidr_add4,
>>>> -      .f6.a2 = cidr_add6 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "sub",
>>>> -      .desc = "Substract argument from base address",
>>>> -      .f4.a2 = cidr_sub4,
>>>> -      .f6.a2 = cidr_sub6 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "next",
>>>> -      .desc = "Advance base address to next prefix of given size",
>>>> -      .f4.a2 = cidr_next4,
>>>> -      .f6.a2 = cidr_next6 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "prev",
>>>> -      .desc = "Lower base address to previous prefix of give size",
>>>> -      .f4.a2 = cidr_prev4,
>>>> -      .f6.a2 = cidr_prev6 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "network",
>>>> -      .desc = "Turn base address into network address",
>>>> -      .f4.a1 = cidr_network4,
>>>> -      .f6.a1 = cidr_network6 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "broadcast",
>>>> -      .desc = "Turn base address into broadcast address",
>>>> -      .f4.a1 = cidr_broadcast4 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "prefix",
>>>> -      .desc = "Set the prefix of base address to argument",
>>>> -      .f4.a2 = cidr_prefix,
>>>> -      .f6.a2 = cidr_prefix },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "netmask",
>>>> -      .desc = "Calculate netmask of base address",
>>>> -      .f4.a1 = cidr_netmask4 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "6to4",
>>>> -      .desc = "Calculate 6to4 prefix of given ipv4-address",
>>>> -      .f4.a1 = cidr_6to4 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "howmany",
>>>> -      .desc = "Print amount of righ-hand prefixes that fit into base
>>> address",
>>>> -      .f4.a2 = cidr_howmany,
>>>> -      .f6.a2 = cidr_howmany },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "contains",
>>>> -      .desc = "Print '1' if argument fits into base address or '0' 
>>>> if not",
>>>> -      .f4.a2 = cidr_contains4,
>>>> -      .f6.a2 = cidr_contains6 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "private",
>>>> -      .desc = "Print '1' if base address is in RFC1918 private 
>>>> space or '0' "
>>>> -              "if not",
>>>> -      .f4.a1 = cidr_private4 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "linklocal",
>>>> -      .desc = "Print '1' if base address is in or 
>>>> FE80::/10 "
>>>> -              "link local space or '0' if not",
>>>> -      .f4.a1 = cidr_linklocal4,
>>>> -      .f6.a1 = cidr_linklocal6 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "ula",
>>>> -      .desc = "Print '1' if base address is in FC00::/7 unique 
>>>> local address "
>>>> -              "(ULA) space or '0' if not",
>>>> -      .f6.a1 = cidr_ula6 },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "quiet",
>>>> -      .desc = "Suppress output, useful for test operation where the 
>>>> result
>>> can "
>>>> -              "be inferred from the exit code",
>>>> -      .f4.a1 = cidr_quiet,
>>>> -      .f6.a1 = cidr_quiet },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "pop",
>>>> -      .desc = "Pop intermediate result from stack",
>>>> -      .f4.a1 = cidr_pop,
>>>> -      .f6.a1 = cidr_pop },
>>>> -
>>>> -    { .name = "print",
>>>> -      .desc = "Print intermediate result and pop it from stack, 
>>>> invoked "
>>>> -              "implicitely at the end of calculation if no 
>>>> intermediate prints "
>>>> -              "happened",
>>>> -      .f4.a1 = cidr_print4,
>>>> -      .f6.a1 = cidr_print6 },
>>>> -};
>>>> -
>>>> -static void usage(const char *prog)
>>>> -{
>>>> -    int i;
>>>> -
>>>> -    fprintf(stderr,
>>>> -            "\n"
>>>> -            "Usage:\n\n"
>>>> -            "  %s {base address} operation [argument] "
>>>> -            "[operation [argument] ...]\n\n"
>>>> -            "Operations:\n\n",
>>>> -            prog);
>>>> -
>>>> -    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ops) / sizeof(ops[0]); i++)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        if (ops[i].f4.a2 || ops[i].f6.a2)
>>>> -        {
>>>> -            fprintf(stderr, "  %s %s\n",
>>>> -                    ops[i].name,
>>>> -                    (ops[i].f4.a2 && ops[i].f6.a2) ?
>>> "{ipv4/ipv6/amount}" :
>>>> -                     (ops[i].f6.a2 ? "{ipv6/amount}" :
>>> "{ipv4/amount}"));
>>>> -        }
>>>> -        else
>>>> -        {
>>>> -            fprintf(stderr, "  %s\n", ops[i].name);
>>>> -        }
>>>> -
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "    %s.\n", ops[i].desc);
>>>> -
>>>> -        if ((ops[i].f4.a1 && ops[i].f6.a1) || (ops[i].f4.a2 &&
>>> ops[i].f6.a2))
>>>> -            fprintf(stderr, "    Applicable to ipv4- and ipv6-
>>> addresses.\n\n");
>>>> -        else if (ops[i].f6.a2 || ops[i].f6.a1)
>>>> -            fprintf(stderr, "    Only applicable to ipv6-
>>> addresses.\n\n");
>>>> -        else
>>>> -            fprintf(stderr, "    Only applicable to ipv4-
>>> addresses.\n\n");
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    fprintf(stderr,
>>>> -            "Examples:\n\n"
>>>> -            " Calculate a DHCP range:\n\n"
>>>> -            "  $ %s network add 100 print 
>>>> add 150
>>> print\n"
>>>> -            "\n"
>>>> -            "\n\n"
>>>> -            " Count number of prefixes:\n\n"
>>>> -            "  $ %s 2001:0DB8:FDEF::/48 howmany ::/64\n"
>>>> -            "  65536\n\n",
>>>> -            prog, prog);
>>>> -
>>>> -    exit(1);
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static bool runop(char ***arg, int *status) -{
>>>> -    int i;
>>>> -    char *arg1 = **arg;
>>>> -    char *arg2 = *(*arg+1);
>>>> -    struct cidr *a = stack;
>>>> -    struct cidr *b = NULL;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!arg1)
>>>> -        return false;
>>>> -
>>>> -    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ops) / sizeof(ops[0]); i++)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        if (!strcmp(ops[i].name, arg1))
>>>> -        {
>>>> -            if (ops[i].f4.a2 || ops[i].f6.a2)
>>>> -            {
>>>> -                if (!arg2)
>>>> -                {
>>>> -                    fprintf(stderr, "'%s' requires an
>>> argument\n",
>>>> -                            ops[i].name);
>>>> -
>>>> -                    *status = 2;
>>>> -                    return false;
>>>> -                }
>>>> -
>>>> -                b = cidr_parse(ops[i].name, arg2, a->family);
>>>> -
>>>> -                if (!b)
>>>> -                {
>>>> -                    fprintf(stderr, "invalid address
>>> argument for '%s'\n",
>>>> -                            ops[i].name);
>>>> -
>>>> -                    *status = 3;
>>>> -                    return false;
>>>> -                }
>>>> -
>>>> -                *arg += 2;
>>>> -
>>>> -                if (((a->family == AF_INET)  && !ops[i].f4.a2)
>>> ||
>>>> -                    ((a->family == AF_INET6) &&
>>> !ops[i].f6.a2))
>>>> -                {
>>>> -                    fprintf(stderr, "'%s' not supported for
>>> %s addresses\n",
>>>> -                            ops[i].name,
>>>> -                            (a->family == AF_INET)
>>> ? "ipv4" : "ipv6");
>>>> -
>>>> -                    *status = 5;
>>>> -                    return false;
>>>> -                }
>>>> -
>>>> -                *status = !((a->family == AF_INET) ?
>>> ops[i].f4.a2(a, b)
>>>> -                                                   : 
>>>> ops[i].f6.a2(a, b));
>>>> -
>>>> -                return true;
>>>> -            }
>>>> -            else
>>>> -            {
>>>> -                *arg += 1;
>>>> -
>>>> -                if (((a->family == AF_INET)  && !ops[i].f4.a1)
>>> ||
>>>> -                    ((a->family == AF_INET6) &&
>>> !ops[i].f6.a1))
>>>> -                {
>>>> -                    fprintf(stderr, "'%s' not supported for
>>> %s addresses\n",
>>>> -                            ops[i].name,
>>>> -                            (a->family == AF_INET)
>>> ? "ipv4" : "ipv6");
>>>> -
>>>> -                    *status = 5;
>>>> -                    return false;
>>>> -                }
>>>> -
>>>> -                *status = !((a->family == AF_INET) ?
>>> ops[i].f4.a1(a)
>>>> -                                                   : ops[i].f6.a1(a));
>>>> -
>>>> -                return true;
>>>> -            }
>>>> -        }
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    return false;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -int main(int argc, char **argv)
>>>> -{
>>>> -    int status = 0;
>>>> -    char **arg = argv+2;
>>>> -    struct cidr *a;
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (argc < 3)
>>>> -        usage(argv[0]);
>>>> -
>>>> -    a = strchr(argv[1], ':') ? cidr_parse6(argv[1]) : 
>>>> cidr_parse4(argv[1]);
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!a)
>>>> -        usage(argv[0]);
>>>> -
>>>> -    cidr_push(a);
>>>> -
>>>> -    while (runop(&arg, &status));
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (*arg)
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        fprintf(stderr, "unknown operation '%s'\n", *arg);
>>>> -        exit(6);
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    if (!printed && (status < 2))
>>>> -    {
>>>> -        if (stack->family == AF_INET)
>>>> -            cidr_print4(stack);
>>>> -        else
>>>> -            cidr_print6(stack);
>>>> -    }
>>>> -
>>>> -    qprintf("\n");
>>>> -
>>>> -    exit(status);
>>>> -}
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