[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] brcm2708: Tethering by default

Alberto Bursi bobafetthotmail at gmail.com
Sat May 19 09:15:49 EDT 2018

On 19/05/2018 12:09, Christo Nedev wrote:
> Why?
> Pi Zero and Zero W have no LAN port!
> For W radio is disabled by default!
> Pi 3 b+ has no working WIFI!
> So it is handy to have tethering by defult and nightmer without!

usb0 interface is used by USB-to-ethernet adapters or smartphone 
tethering, and they need drivers to work. Just adding the interface does 
not have any effect.

I think it makes more sense to enable the wifi on the raspi zero and 
zero W by default.

Raspi 3 have an ethernet port and it works, I think there is no need to 
add usb0 interface. Many devices have only ethernet ports in OpenWrt.

Also, since you are active on these devices, it seems that the wifi on 
the Pi 3 B+ only needs firmware files extracted from Raspbian to work, 
maybe you can add that too?
See this post 


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