[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] build: fixes feeds with Makefile in root directory (#20392)

Ryan Lindeman rlindeman at caengineering.com
Fri Aug 28 16:05:15 EDT 2015

This patch addresses an error caused by adding feeds that contain a Makefile
in the root directory. The error is typically shown as follows:
.../info/.files-packageinfo.mk:1: * target pattern contains no `%'. Stop.
.../info/.files-targetinfo.mk:1: * target pattern contains no `%'. Stop.

The root cause of the error is due to problems with the $(FILELIST): rule in
the include/scan.mk file which attempts to strip off the $(SCAN_DIR)/ and
/Makefile: ... contents of the lines provided by the FIND_L command. When a
feed contains a single Makefile in the root directory the /Makefile: ...
portion is not removed since the $(SCAN_DIR)/ has already removed the
preceding / before the Makefile. This then causes extra characters to be
evaluated by grep in the $(TMP_DIR)/info/.files-$(SCAN_TARGET).mk: rule which
is where the above error is eventually reported by Make.

The solution is to allow for a portion of the $(SCAN_DIR) to be included in the
results produced by the $(FILELIST): rule. This patch creates a new variable
called PREFIX_DIR which becomes the directory portion of $(SCAN_DIR) removed.
This variable is specified by the update_index method of the scripts/feeds
file. Since the include/scan.mk file is also used to scan the packages folder
the default value for PREFIX_DIR must be empty (which is specified at the top
of the include/scan.mk file). These changes results in the
info/.files-$(SCAN_TARGET).mk files to include the remainder of the
$(SCAN_DIR) path not removed so the $(SCAN_DIR) path information is removed
from the PackageDir rule specified in include/scan.mk. This has the added
benefit of simplifying the readability of this rule IMHO.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Lindeman <rlindeman at caengineering.com>
 include/scan.mk |   21 +++++++++++----------
 scripts/feeds   |    4 ++--
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/scan.mk b/include/scan.mk
index 5af0359..8561b30 100644
--- a/include/scan.mk
+++ b/include/scan.mk
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/include/host.mk
 SCAN_TARGET ?= packageinfo
 SCAN_NAME ?= package
 SCAN_DIR ?= package
@@ -28,15 +29,15 @@ endef
 define PackageDir
   $(TMP_DIR)/.$(SCAN_TARGET): $(TMP_DIR)/info/.$(SCAN_TARGET)-$(1)
-  $(TMP_DIR)/info/.$(SCAN_TARGET)-$(1): $(SCAN_DIR)/$(2)/Makefile $(SCAN_STAMP) $(foreach DEP,$(DEPS_$(SCAN_DIR)/$(2)/Makefile) $(SCAN_DEPS),$(wildcard $(if $(filter /%,$(DEP)),$(DEP),$(SCAN_DIR)/$(2)/$(DEP))))
+  $(TMP_DIR)/info/.$(SCAN_TARGET)-$(1): $(2)/Makefile $(SCAN_STAMP) $(foreach DEP,$(DEPS_$(2)/Makefile) $(SCAN_DEPS),$(wildcard $(if $(filter /%,$(DEP)),$(DEP),$(2)/$(DEP))))
 	{ \
-		$$(call progress,Collecting $(SCAN_NAME) info: $(SCAN_DIR)/$(2)) \
-		echo Source-Makefile: $(SCAN_DIR)/$(2)/Makefile; \
+		$$(call progress,Collecting $(SCAN_NAME) info: $(2)) \
+		echo Source-Makefile: $(2)/Makefile; \
 		$(if $(3),echo Override: $(3),true); \
-		$(NO_TRACE_MAKE) --no-print-dir -r DUMP=1 FEED="$(call feedname,$(2))" -C $(SCAN_DIR)/$(2) $(SCAN_MAKEOPTS) 2>/dev/null || { \
-			mkdir -p "$(TOPDIR)/logs/$(SCAN_DIR)/$(2)"; \
-			$(NO_TRACE_MAKE) --no-print-dir -r DUMP=1 FEED="$(call feedname,$(2))" -C $(SCAN_DIR)/$(2) $(SCAN_MAKEOPTS) > $(TOPDIR)/logs/$(SCAN_DIR)/$(2)/dump.txt 2>&1; \
-			$$(call progress,ERROR: please fix $(SCAN_DIR)/$(2)/Makefile - see logs/$(SCAN_DIR)/$(2)/dump.txt for details\n) \
+		$(NO_TRACE_MAKE) --no-print-dir -r DUMP=1 FEED="$(call feedname,$(2))" -C $(2) $(SCAN_MAKEOPTS) 2>/dev/null || { \
+			mkdir -p "$(TOPDIR)/logs/$(2)"; \
+			$(NO_TRACE_MAKE) --no-print-dir -r DUMP=1 FEED="$(call feedname,$(2))" -C $(2) $(SCAN_MAKEOPTS) > $(TOPDIR)/logs/$(2)/dump.txt 2>&1; \
+			$$(call progress,ERROR: please fix $(2)/Makefile - see logs/$(2)/dump.txt for details\n) \
 			rm -f $$@; \
 		}; \
 		echo; \
@@ -55,11 +56,11 @@ endif
 	rm -f $(TMP_DIR)/info/.files-$(SCAN_TARGET)-*
-	$(call FIND_L, $(SCAN_DIR)) $(SCAN_EXTRA) -mindepth 1 $(if $(SCAN_DEPTH),-maxdepth $(SCAN_DEPTH)) -name Makefile | xargs grep -aHE 'call $(GREP_STRING)' | sed -e 's#^$(SCAN_DIR)/##' -e 's#/Makefile:.*##' | uniq | awk -v of=$(OVERRIDELIST) -f include/scan.awk > $@
+	$(call FIND_L, $(SCAN_DIR)) $(SCAN_EXTRA) -mindepth 1 $(if $(SCAN_DEPTH),-maxdepth $(SCAN_DEPTH)) -name Makefile | xargs grep -aHE 'call $(GREP_STRING)' | sed -e 's#^$(PREFIX_DIR)/##' -e 's#/Makefile:.*##' | uniq | awk -v of=$(OVERRIDELIST) -f include/scan.awk > $@
 $(TMP_DIR)/info/.files-$(SCAN_TARGET).mk: $(FILELIST)
 	( \
-		cat $< | awk '{print "$(SCAN_DIR)/" $$0 "/Makefile" }' | xargs grep -HE '^ *SCAN_DEPS *= *' | awk -F: '{ gsub(/^.*DEPS *= */, "", $$2); print "DEPS_" $$1 "=" $$2 }'; \
+		cat $< | awk '{print "$(if $(PREFIX_DIR),$(PREFIX_DIR)/)" $$0 "/Makefile" }' | xargs grep -HE '^ *SCAN_DEPS *= *' | awk -F: '{ gsub(/^.*DEPS *= */, "", $$2); print "DEPS_" $$1 "=" $$2 }'; \
 		awk -F/ -v deps="$$DEPS" -v of="$(OVERRIDELIST)" ' \
 		BEGIN { \
 			while (getline < (of)) \
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ $(TMP_DIR)/info/.files-$(SCAN_TARGET).mk: $(FILELIST)
 			pkg=""; \
 			if($$NF in override) \
 				pkg=override[$$NF]; \
-			print "$$(eval $$(call PackageDir," info "," dir "," pkg "))"; \
+			print "$$(eval $$(call PackageDir," info ",$(if $(PREFIX_DIR),$(PREFIX_DIR)/)" dir "," pkg "))"; \
 		} ' < $<; \
 		true; \
 	) > $@
diff --git a/scripts/feeds b/scripts/feeds
index 79b5284..ddaf9f5 100755
--- a/scripts/feeds
+++ b/scripts/feeds
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ sub update_index($)
 	-d "./feeds/$name.tmp/info" or mkdir "./feeds/$name.tmp/info" or return 1;
 	system("$mk -s prepare-mk OPENWRT_BUILD= TMP_DIR=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/feeds/$name.tmp\"");
-	system("$mk -s -f include/scan.mk IS_TTY=1 SCAN_TARGET=\"packageinfo\" SCAN_DIR=\"feeds/$name\" SCAN_NAME=\"package\" SCAN_DEPS=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/include/package*.mk\" SCAN_DEPTH=5 SCAN_EXTRA=\"\" TMP_DIR=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/feeds/$name.tmp\"");
-	system("$mk -s -f include/scan.mk IS_TTY=1 SCAN_TARGET=\"targetinfo\" SCAN_DIR=\"feeds/$name\" SCAN_NAME=\"target\" SCAN_DEPS=\"profiles/*.mk $ENV{TOPDIR}/include/target.mk\" SCAN_DEPTH=5 SCAN_EXTRA=\"\" SCAN_MAKEOPTS=\"TARGET_BUILD=1\" TMP_DIR=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/feeds/$name.tmp\"");
+	system("$mk -s -f include/scan.mk IS_TTY=1 PREFIX_DIR=\"feeds\" SCAN_TARGET=\"packageinfo\" SCAN_DIR=\"feeds/$name\" SCAN_NAME=\"package\" SCAN_DEPS=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/include/package*.mk\" SCAN_DEPTH=5 SCAN_EXTRA=\"\" TMP_DIR=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/feeds/$name.tmp\"");
+	system("$mk -s -f include/scan.mk IS_TTY=1 PREFIX_DIR=\"feeds\" SCAN_TARGET=\"targetinfo\" SCAN_DIR=\"feeds/$name\" SCAN_NAME=\"target\" SCAN_DEPS=\"profiles/*.mk $ENV{TOPDIR}/include/target.mk\" SCAN_DEPTH=5 SCAN_EXTRA=\"\" SCAN_MAKEOPTS=\"TARGET_BUILD=1\" TMP_DIR=\"$ENV{TOPDIR}/feeds/$name.tmp\"");
 	system("ln -sf $name.tmp/.packageinfo ./feeds/$name.index");
 	system("ln -sf $name.tmp/.targetinfo ./feeds/$name.targetindex");
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