[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] gre: Generic Routing Encapsulation package support

Hans Dedecker dedeckeh at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 07:51:09 EDT 2014

The package supports Generic Routing Encapsulation support by registering following protocol kinds:

Following options are valid for gre and gretap kinds:

The gretap kind supports additionally the network option

Following options are valid for grev6 and grev6tap kinds:

The grev6tap kind supports additionally the network option

Typical network config for a GREv4 tunnel :

config interface 'gre'
        option peeraddr ''
        option mtu '1400'
        option proto 'gre'
        option tunlink 'wan'
        option zone 'tunnel'

Typical network config for a GREv4 tap tunnel :

config interface 'gretap'
        option peeraddr ''
        option mtu '1400'
        option proto 'gretap'
        option zone 'tunnel'
        option tunlink 'wan'	
        option network 'wlan_ap'

I added myself as maintainer for the moment; feel free to change.

Signed-off-by: Hans Dedecker <dedeckeh at gmail.com>
 package/network/config/gre/Makefile     |   64 +++++++++
 package/network/config/gre/files/gre.sh |  235 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 299 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 package/network/config/gre/Makefile
 create mode 100755 package/network/config/gre/files/gre.sh

diff --git a/package/network/config/gre/Makefile b/package/network/config/gre/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efca464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/gre/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 OpenWrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/gre/Default
+  SECTION:=net
+  CATEGORY:=Network
+  MAINTAINER:=Hans Dedecker <dedeckeh at gmail.com>
+define Package/gre
+$(call Package/gre/Default)
+  TITLE:=Generic Routing Encapsulation config support
+define Package/gre/description
+ Generic Routing Encapsulation config support (IPv4 and IPv6) in /etc/config/network.
+define Package/grev4
+$(call Package/gre/Default)
+  TITLE:=Generic Routing Encapsulation (IPv4) config support
+  DEPENDS:=@(PACKAGE_gre) +kmod-gre
+define Package/grev4/description
+ Generic Routing Encapsulation config support (IPv4) in /etc/config/network.
+define Package/grev6
+$(call Package/gre/Default)
+  TITLE:=Generic Routing Encapsulation (IPv6) config support
+  DEPENDS:=@(PACKAGE_gre) +kmod-ipv6 +kmod-ip6-gre
+define Package/grev6/description
+ Generic Routing Encapsulation config support (IPv6) in /etc/config/network.
+define Build/Compile
+define Build/Configure
+define Package/gre/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/netifd/proto
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/gre.sh $(1)/lib/netifd/proto/gre.sh
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,gre))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,grev4))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,grev6))
diff --git a/package/network/config/gre/files/gre.sh b/package/network/config/gre/files/gre.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..38c0fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/gre/files/gre.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
+	. /lib/functions.sh
+	. /lib/functions/network.sh
+	. ../netifd-proto.sh
+	init_proto "$@"
+gre_generic_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	local mode="$2"
+	local local="$3"
+	local remote="$4"
+	local link="$5"
+	local mtu ttl zone ikey okey icsum ocsum iseqno oseqno
+	json_get_vars mtu ttl zone ikey okey icsum ocsum iseqno oseqno
+	[ -z "$zone" ] && zone="wan"
+	proto_init_update "$link" 1
+	proto_add_tunnel
+	json_add_string mode "$mode"
+	json_add_int mtu "${mtu:-1280}"
+	[ -n "$df" ] && json_add_boolean df "$df"
+	json_add_int ttl "${ttl:-64}"
+	json_add_string local "$local"
+	json_add_string remote "$remote"
+	[ -n "$tunlink" ] && json_add_string link "$tunlink"
+	json_add_string info "${ikey:-0},${okey:-0},${icsum:-0},${ocsum:-0},${iseqno:-0},${oseqno:-0}"
+	proto_close_tunnel
+	proto_add_data
+	[ -n "$zone" ] && json_add_string zone "$zone"
+	proto_close_data
+	proto_send_update "$cfg"
+gre_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	local mode="$2"
+	local ipaddr peeraddr
+	json_get_vars df ipaddr peeraddr tunlink
+	[ -z "$peeraddr" ] && {
+		proto_notify_error "$cfg" "MISSING_ADDRESS"
+		proto_block_restart "$cfg"
+		exit
+	}
+	( proto_add_host_dependency "$cfg" "" "$tunlink" )
+	[ -z "$ipaddr" ] && {
+		local wanif="$tunlink"
+		if [ -z $wanif ] && ! network_find_wan wanif; then
+			proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"
+			exit
+		fi
+		if ! network_get_ipaddr ipaddr "$wanif"; then
+			proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"
+			exit
+		fi
+	}
+	[ -z "$df" ] && df="1"
+	gre_generic_setup $cfg $mode $ipaddr $peeraddr "gre-$cfg"
+proto_gre_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	gre_setup $cfg "greip"
+proto_gretap_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	local network
+	json_get_vars network
+	gre_setup $cfg "gretapip"
+	json_init
+	json_add_string name "gre-$cfg"
+	json_add_boolean link-ext 0
+	json_close_object
+	for i in $network; do
+		ubus call network.interface."$i" add_device "$(json_dump)"
+	done
+grev6_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	local mode="$2"
+	local ip6addr peer6addr weakif
+	json_get_vars ip6addr peer6addr tunlink weakif
+	[ -z "$peer6addr" ] && {
+		proto_notify_error "$cfg" "MISSING_ADDRESS"
+		proto_block_restart "$cfg"
+		exit
+	}
+	( proto_add_host_dependency "$cfg" "::" "$tunlink" )
+	[ -z "$ip6addr" ] && {
+		local wanif="$tunlink"
+		if [ -z $wanif ] && ! network_find_wan6 wanif; then
+			proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"
+			exit
+		fi
+		if ! network_get_ipaddr6 ip6addr "$wanif"; then
+			[ -z "$weakif" ] && weakif="lan"
+			if ! network_get_ipaddr6 ip6addr "$weakif"; then
+				proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"
+				exit
+			fi
+		fi
+	}
+	gre_generic_setup $cfg $mode $ip6addr $peer6addr "grev6-$cfg"
+proto_grev6_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	grev6_setup $cfg "greip6"
+proto_grev6tap_setup() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	local network
+	json_get_vars network
+	grev6_setup $cfg "gretapip6"
+	json_init
+	json_add_string name "grev6-$cfg"
+	json_add_boolean link-ext 0
+	json_close_object
+	for i in $network; do
+		ubus call network.interface."$i" add_device "$(json_dump)"
+	done
+gretap_generic_teardown() {
+	local network
+	json_get_vars network
+	json_init
+	json_add_string name "$1"
+	json_add_boolean link-ext 0
+	json_close_object
+	for i in $network; do
+		ubus call network.interface."$i" remove_device "$(json_dump)"
+	done
+proto_gre_teardown() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+proto_gretap_teardown() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	gretap_generic_teardown "gre-$cfg"
+proto_grev6_teardown() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+proto_grev6tap_teardown() {
+	local cfg="$1"
+	gretap_generic_teardown "grev6-$cfg"
+gre_generic_init_config() {
+	no_device=1
+	available=1
+	proto_config_add_int "mtu"
+	proto_config_add_int "ttl"
+	proto_config_add_string "tunlink"
+	proto_config_add_string "zone"
+	proto_config_add_int "ikey"
+	proto_config_add_int "okey"
+	proto_config_add_boolean "icsum"
+	proto_config_add_boolean "ocsum"
+	proto_config_add_boolean "iseqno"
+	proto_config_add_boolean "oseqno"
+proto_gre_init_config() {
+	gre_generic_init_config
+	proto_config_add_string "ipaddr"
+	proto_config_add_string "peeraddr"
+	proto_config_add_boolean "df"
+proto_gretap_init_config() {
+	proto_gre_init_config
+	proto_config_add_string "network"
+proto_grev6_init_config() {
+	gre_generic_init_config
+	proto_config_add_string "ip6addr"
+	proto_config_add_string "peer6addr"
+	proto_config_add_string "weakif"
+proto_grev6tap_init_config() {
+	proto_grev6_init_config
+	proto_config_add_string "network"
+[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
+	[ -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/gre.ko ] && add_protocol gre
+	[ -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/gre.ko ] && add_protocol gretap
+	[ -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ip6_gre.ko ] && add_protocol grev6
+	[ -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ip6_gre.ko ] && add_protocol grev6tap
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