[FS#3231] firewall3: mtu_fix should apply mss clamping for both outgoing and incoming syn packets

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Fri Jul 24 20:40:57 EDT 2020


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#3231 - firewall3: mtu_fix should apply mss clamping for both outgoing and incoming syn packets
User who did this - Yousong Zhou (yousong)

Last time I saw this issue was when reviewing a wireguard setup.  IP fragmentation 
 in the client->server was very frequent in the pppoe-wan interface.  I think this is why the old way mostly works.

At that time I fixed it by setting a correct mtu value (16 multiples) on the local openwrt side, and having mss clamp in both directions on the remote side.

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